Chapter 52

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Stiles POV, no, no, no! What is Samantha doing here!? This isn't right! My doppelgänger had so many problems with her and now she's here to ruin my life! Like hell if I'm going to let that happen though. I'm going to drag her nappy blonde ass back to Beacon Hills and toss her back to her universe. I swear if the other Stiles sent her over here cause he thinks that we can deal with her more than them, I will kick his booty. There is no way in hell she is staying here with me!

"There is no fûcking way she is here..." Tyler growls under her breath.

"Apparently there is." Taylor replies to his sister.

"Uh, my prince, is there something wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" The bitch asks. I flash my dark aqua eyes and dash away from Scott. I rush over to her and grab her by the throat, making her gasp. Star tries to attack me for that but Brody uses his mental abilities to paralyze her whole body. Scott tries run up and grab me and attempts to pull me away, but he gets paralyzed as well. I'm glad my brother has my back, but I'm surprised that Scott doesn't seem too angry that Samantha is here when she clearly did something to his doppelganger.

"You have some nerve coming to this world, Samantha." I hiss at her. My legs suddenly get tingly, making me realize a key factor. I was so distracted by seeing her that I didn't notice that I got wet in the process. My body quickly morphs into my ocean form, making me fall into the sand. I never take my hand off of her throat, so I continue the integration. "Why are you here?" I finally ask her. She looks so afraid. For someone so evil, why is she afraid?

"I- I came to save you, your majesty. I don't understand, what is going on?" She asks back. This truly doesn't seem like the Samantha I remember. Why is she acting so innocent? Why isn't she trying to fight me? The Samantha I remember would have pounced already. Maybe it's just an act? Yeah, that's probably it.

"Sammy, what's going on? Why are they attacking you? What did you do?" Star asks various questions to her supposed girlfriend. Star honestly doesn't understand what Samantha has done, does she? Shall I shed so light on the subject? Yes, I shall. She's not going to fûck up this universe. "What has she done? The better question is what hasn't she done." I growl.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." The bitch replies in a trembling voice.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" Fang asks in annoyance.

"This girl right here, we met her in an alternate universe. She was a total bitch to everyone and tried to control everything! She was dating Scott and for some goddamn reason he seemed to obey her every word. I swear that there is something seriously wrong there, but I guess that wasn't my problem to solve. As for the other version of me, she made life a living hell for him! Oh, did I mention the fact that Samantha also tried to kill me? Yeah, that was super fun. Who knows what she did after we left that universe." Stiles hisses as he glares at the hybrid angrily.

"Uh, what other universe?" Fang asks suspiciously.

"It's a long story. Basically, Stiles got a little too curious with a certain mirror." Brody sighs.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know what you're talking about." Samantha replies shakily as I still have a hand wrapped around her throat. "Why did you come here? Was the other Scott not enough for you? Huh?" I ask with venom in my voice.

"Stiles, stop! That's enough!" Scott calls out. I turn to look at him with disbelief, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Are you kidding me, Scott? You saw what was happening in the other universe just as much as I did. I'm not going to let Samantha hurt you!" I snap at my boyfriend harshly before turning my attention back to the hybrid, keeping a strong grip on her so she can't escape somehow.

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