Chaper 61

152 9 0

(This chapter wasn't proof read so bare with me)

Scott's POV

I follow the trail out the door and down the street as I am dashing to who knows where. While running, a strong metallic smell crosses me, making me slow down to see what it was. I look down towards the direction the aroma is originating to see more dryish/wetish blood on the sidewalk. I lift my head a bit, seeing that the blood made a trail going down the road towards the lake. That a defendant issue. I return to running after the scent and the blood. I get closer and closer to Lydia's lake house. In the distance, I could see two figures lying on the deck. Both are out cold and a strong smell of blood crosses me. It's make me shiver. How much blood is there? It's a lot more than the amount on the trail here.

"Stiles?!" I call out. There is silence. No one replies. It only increases my anxiety and makes me think of worse things that my boyfriend may have done. I run over to the deck on the lake, getting a better view of the people out cold. They look very familiar, but the only thing I can guarantee is one's a girl and the other is a guy. They look to be around my age. I really hope they aren't who I think they are. I just hope Tyler and Stiles are in the water and that these two bodies are random.

"Scott..."  One of the bodies grumble. It was a male and familiar voice. I run even faster as the adrenaline courses through my veins. I know that voice anywhere. That voice is Stiles' voice. From his tone, I can tell that he is injured. That makes my boyfriend mode go into hyperdrive. Before I know what I'm on the deck, overlooking over a bleeding and injured Stiles. The two bodies can now be confirmed as Tyler and Stiles. Both of them are wet and in their aquatic forms. I wonder if they had a water battle or something, but there isn't time for that. I have to tend to the wounded.

"Stiles, what happened?" I ask him, lifting his head. He sits himself up and shakes his head. My boyfriend seems as if he is in some extreme pain as he struggle to force himself up. To help, I use my free hand to grasp onto his shoulder. I focus on pulling out the pain, and before I know it, black veins pop up from beneath my skin. I keep ten seconds of contact before pulling my hand away. Stiles gives me a slight smile of happiness.

"Thank for helping the pain and I don't know what happened. One minute I was laughing at a joke I pulled on Tyler, and the next I was waking up here." He grits. I can tell he is in pain. He fall back down again and let's out a painful growl. "Did I hurt Tyler, Scott?" I bit my lip and look over at her to see there was one large scratch across her stomach. There was no blood coming out of it, so it leads me to believe that there is another cut somewhere on her body. I trot over to the wounded girl to see that her chest is still rising and falling, meaning she is alive. "Oh no... what have I done?" I glance back to Stiles to see him looking over with a bit of horror.

"Stiles, don't look over here. She is fine, lay back down." He doesn't give a second thought before plopping his head back against the wooden deck and groans. He just gives up and listens to every word I say. Time to tend to Tyler. I knelt down next to my friend,or acquaintance, I don't know which, and I start poking her to see if she is going to wake up. A groan erodes from her lips, making me jump back.

"" She mumbles. Tyler points to the water, meaning she wants me to push her in. I'm scared I'm going to hurt her, so I scoop her up quickly and toss her into the lake. Sending her flying into the water made me realize, Stiles needs to heal as well. Without asking him, I grab my boyfriend and toss him in after Tyler.

"Scott! We're here and we brought everyone!" Hayden shouts, making me glance back to see all of the pack the one leading them all is a worried Malia who is running at least twice the speed of everyone else. Wow, she is really worried about someone and I know for a fact it's not Stiles. I think everyone has finally figured that Malia absolutely loves her some Tyler.

"I'll be back." Malia announces, running past me to the end of the dock. Malia loves the girl so much, she just dove in the water after her. When did she learn to swim? Ah nevermind that, Is Stiles going to come up any time soon? I don't see any bubbles! That's it I'm going-

There are groups of bubbles showing in the water before two figures break the surface. It is a healed Tyler in the arms of Malia. Stiles is nowhere to be seen. My blood goes cold just thinking about all that can go wrong. What if he was so weak that he sunk to the bottom? What if he didn't change form and drowned? There are so many things that could have happened!

"Where is Stiles?" Lydia asks for me as the group comes up beside me. I look down at the water and wait for for someone else to come up. However, I start to worry even more when he doesn't show after a whole minute. Alright, I'm not playing the waiting game anymore. I'm going in after him.

"I'm going in after him." I state. I kick off my shoes and dive in. I open up my eyes and look around for a trace of Stiles, but I see nothing but a murky darkness. A couple of fish keep swimming by and freaking me out, but I don't see a black tail anywhere. There is nothing to depict Stiles is or was ever there. My lungs start to burn with the lack of oxygen, so I must return to the surface before I start to intake water. I return to the surface and look around for any sign of Stiles. No luck. He is nowhere. He didn't sink, I would have spotted him as he drifted down to the depth of the lake.

"Did you spot him?" Hayden queries. I wipe the water from my face and blink open my eyes to see the group looking off the deck while others look from dry land. Those people happen to include Mason, Corey, and the ass hat Theo. He really needs to stop trying to get into the pack. After the dread doctor shit I wanna rip his dîck off and feed it to a shark. None of that was an exaggeration either. Let him pull one more stupid stunt and hurt my boyfriend or the pack.

"No." I reply. I'm still breathing heavily as I try to think of where my little fish went.

"Of course you can't find him. He swam off to the hidden grotto behind the waterfall at the bottom of the lake. Unless you have gills you can't get down there. Just leave it to me to check up on him." Tyler states. She rolls out of the arms of Malia, and glances at the werecoyote as if they were having a conversation. Knowing the female hybrids powers, I'm sure they are doing that exact thing. Tyler turns back to the water and dives down with a splash of her blue tail. A couple of people on the dock get wet, therefor making the annoyed, but I find it funny.Some of them deserve what they just got.

I hope Tyler can talk some sense into Stiles and make him come back up here. Better yet, I hope they don't start fighting down there. There is no way in hell we can get to them to stop it. All I can do is hope for the best. Stiles has a problem with keeping stuff bottled up due to that siren thing. He use to act so much different than he does now. It's like when he turned eighteen he turned into a new person. I'm not complaining about it, it's just he acts as if all of his walls are up. Before his birthday, he was a goofy go lucky guy. Now a days, he's the same as before, but he now has a strict and serious side to his personality. I really want to help him be happy, but he has to accept my help first. I will make him better and I promise that.

Tyler's POV

I dive down into the murky water and make my way to the bottom. Stiles was thinking about a hiding out in a secret grotto that he found the other day. Anyone without a tail would drown before they reached it so it was up to me to find it to get him back to the surface. Everyone is worried about him. Can I blame them? Can he blame us? No! There is no blame here. I can hear what he's thinking right now, and if he calls himself useless one more time, I'm going to punch him in the face! You wanna hear his exact thoughts? Then here! Here they are

'I hurt Tyler, but why? Why am I a monster all of a sudden? Why am I harming people mentally and physically? Also, what is that power I had? Was it my moon given ability? I feel sick. I feels so sick. I can't be tough anymore. My body feels broke. I feel down. I feel unloved by my dad and Scott. I feel like I don't want to love. I want to cause hurt and pain like I did with Tyler. I want to use my new power and hurt people, but at the same time I don't. I care about them, so why hurt them? Diana. She made me sick,and I guarantee it. There is something Star missed. Diana did something to me that she couldn't find. I need to get Star to check again. I can feel a change, but I don't want to worry everyone.'

If you are sick and in need of help get some god forsaken help! Don't pretend everything's okay! This is killing me to hear. That's it, I'm sending a message to Taylor to tell him to send Star. I have to fix whatever is wrong with Stiles without letting the others know he's broken. For now, I'm going to chat with him and get him out of the hidden area he's in.

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