Chapter 65

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We all arrive at the dock and see that we are the first ones there. We don't have time to wait on the others to get here. Stiles needs a cure ASAP.

"Dang, the others aren't here yet." Malia acknowledges from behind me. I glance down at the water and narrow my eyes. My attention then snap to the bottle.

"They're going to be here any minute, so all we have to do is wait. If anything goes bad we need all hands on deck." Tyler informs. I don't care how bad this can go. Stiles needs help and I'm not waiting on other people to give him a cure.

"I'm not waiting." I growl. I dart towards the end of the dock and dive in before anyone could react. The last thing I hear is a loud 'no!' Before my whole body is submerged. I use all of my strength and swim to where I'm suppose to go as fast as I can before drowning. There may be a possibility of that happening, but I can't stress how much I don't care. Stiles has pulled me out of dark places and I have to do the same for him. Speaking of dark places, it is so fûcking dark down here. If I didn't have werewolf vision I would be in the blind.

I swim faster and faster because my air is slowly running low super quick. I am not the best at holding my breath, so this is cutting it close. I usually last about 45 seconds and it's been around that amount of time. My lungs begin to struggle to hold in the oxygen and the pressure of the water hurts my ears. I can see a light a little of the grotto in the distance so I'm not giving up. I grip the bottle firmly and try to speed up. My lungs have finally reach the point where I'm forced to push out the air in my lungs.

The edge of the light is so close I can feel it, but as you can guess, all of the built up air is gone. My body wants me to draw in more air, however, there is none. Only darkness and water. With only being a couple feet from the light, everything give in. I inhale water and feel an immense pain coat over as I try to swim close to the light. It's no use. I begin chocking and my werewolf abilities can save me now. The only thing is going to do is make me suffer longer. My body stops working and I am quickly pulled to the bottle with all of the water in my lungs. My body goes limp and the bottle drops faster than I do. As my eyes slowly shut, I am able to make out a silhouette of some type of water being. There is no time to make out what it is before my eyes are fully shut. Everything then goes numb, silent, and surprisingly peaceful.


"No!" Malia screams as Scott dives down into the water. I try to run and catch him but it's too late. I just barely miss his foot with my hand. With me being so close to the water it splashed on me. I quickly turn into my oceanic form and fall in, but not without hitting my head on the deck, making me pass out. Great, now I can't go in after him.


I continue walking with anger still in my banshee veins. Four minutes in the hot, spring freaking sun. It's like 100 degrees out here, and I need to get out of the scorching blaze. My makeup is slowly melting and becoming sticky as hell. I feel like I'm going to have a damn heat stroke!

"Lydia!" I hear someone yell followed by a horn honking. I turn around to see Masons car heading toward me with a bunch of poking their heads out the windows. It's the whole 2.0 pack including Theo. Still want that Thiam ship to set sail, but I've got other things to worry about right now. Why was that the first thought  that went through my head? They pull up beside me and smirk.

"Need a lift?"

Friend From The Ocean (Sciles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora