Thank For The Tag Holly-_-

193 11 5

I was challenged by paris_girl22 to do some tag thing. I'll give it a shot even if I really hate doing these things. I still love you though boo ❤️

Give five facts about yourselves.

Don't repeat or put this song on reply

Ya da ya da ya da shit i forgot

No let's get to the juicy part...


1- I've never dabbed in my life, sometimes it's just so stupid but in some situations it can be very funny

2- There's certain days I'd trade the whole family out for a Klondike bar

3- I have never been a relationship even though I am almost 18 years old. I live a very sad and lonely life but fanfiction makes me happy... sometimes...

4-I have an Australian friend named Holly and she is the one that tagged me in this

5- Hi I Bi, Zero fûcks given even if my family would literally kill me if they knew

All right that's all for that shit

I'm going to go back to sleep now

Plus I want to break the rules are not tag anybody cause I really don't care.

Good night or for Holly G'day mate 😊

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