Tagged By Holly :P

163 8 2

1. Yes, ❤️My Man❤

2. I hope so!  If not he has some explaining to do

3.Who's middle name? His or mine? Ah, whatever. My middle name: Brooke His: Wade (Not like the Wilson, but probably as funny as him though.)

4. Uh, once again my dumb redneck mind is confused on who you are talking about. Guess that's what I get for growing up in some backwater, hillbilly ass town. Sorry for the rant, the answer is taken for Barren and I (My crush/ Boyfriend)

5. Just a little bird named paris_girl22 . She also tagged me in this the little weenie XD

6. Last song was some nasty ass rap shit my friend had me listen to, so I'm just going to say the last I remember and that was... shit I don't remember that either. Fûck it, I'll say miss Jackson and listen to it right now to make that true.

7. 26%!?!?! GOTTA GO FAST!

8. I have no clue... no one I guess ;-; None of my girl friends ever want to talk to me besides a certain Aussie and a chick named Mary. There is a couple online friends, but yeah...

9. Barren Wade Mosley. If u put two and two together you'll understand why

10. My OCs because I'm petty. Brody and Taylor. If you mean an alive ship, Mason and Corey

11. Because I love writing fanfics and gay shit, duh 🙄

12. July 20th, 1999

Thank god I'm done! Now I gotta go charge my phone! Byeeeeeeeeee. No re tagging for me 😊

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