Chapter 57

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Stiles' POV

As I walk back to my table all of the girls, excluding Tyler, get up. I give them a confused look, not quite sure of what's happening.

"We need to head back home. It's getting late and there is a lot that needs to be settled." Harz explains.I look to the other three and they agree with the siren princess, who I recently learn to be my aunt. "Nice meeting you my nephew." She misses with a nod. It's quite creepy having someone the same age as you be your aunt, so I'll leave her with the simple title of Harz, my new friend.

"Same for you my fabulous aunt." I reply.

"I hate to leave, but Sammy and I need to see what the royal court wants to do about our lack of leadership." Star add, taking Samantha's hand in her hand.

"Awe, I was going to force you all to sing your hearts out." I laugh jokingly. "But if you must go, thank you all for helping us today. You really saved our asses."

"Pfft, it was nothing." Simera chirps. "Now, I need to head home. My mom has some seaweed puffs calling for me." She rushes on out the door with Harz behind her. Samantha turn to me and I tense up a bit at the sight of her. Even if it's not the same Sam, she looks so similar. It's a little disturbing, not going to lie. She can tell I feel that way, because she frowns. Great! Now I feel bad for what I've done!

"It was nice meeting you my king. I'm sorry if my presence caused any miscommunication." Sammy apologizes for no reason. I can try to get to know this Samantha later on, but it has been to much to handle lately. I give her a nod.

"Have a good life, Samantha." I say. Star and Samantha head to the door, walk out, leaving to go back to the great big blue. I may get to see them again one day, just not today. There is just one question on my mind though. I want to know what the hell are seaweed puffs? It sounds good for some reason.

"Stiles, where did my idiot brother." Tyler quizzes. I turn to her with confusion.

"What are you talking about? They are over-" I look back to where my brother and his boyfriend were to see they were gone. "There?" After making a quick look around the bar I could tell that they are nowhere to be seen.

"Uh, I think they went back to the hotel to do the dirty." Lydia states her drunken mind, making me shiver at the thought. "F-u-c-k-i-n-g." She sings like a song. My skin turns pale as I remember a time I walked in on them after they started dating. Brody went down on Taylor like a hungry piranha in the middle of the living room. I ran out of there faster than the flash on a mission. I did not want to see a 18 year old looking vampire having smex with a 15 year old hybrid. They were even dating! They were just hungry and h*orny animals. Oh my lord, my mind is scared! Help my sweet precious mind! Gah, I don't want to think of them doing the nasty!

"Huh, That means we aren't going back to the hotel for another hour. I don't feel like listening to Brody on Taylor time." Scott says, grossed out.

"Hell, if I don't agree." I mutter with a horrid response. I make my way over to the table and take a set back next to my boyfriend. We all need to do something besides think about... things.

"Okay!" Malia cheers to make things less awkward. "Time for more singing!"

The Next Day...

We went back to hotel around 12 AM last night. It wasn't that late, but I was sure tired. Scott made me sing three more times with the defense 'you sound good'. No shit, I'm a Merman. We can all sing, just some more than others. After four songs my voice was done for. By that point my voice had given out. It got really hard for my to keep up an American accent at that point. Thank goodness Scott was the only one that noticed. He teased me about the whole time we were at the bar and the whole night.

When we went back to the hotel it was silent, meaning we were clear to be there and not get scarred by sea creature smex. Things went quite smoothly from there. We got a bath together, which was quite funny. I told him it wasn't a good idea, but he insisted. My tail took up majority of the room, even with the big tub. It practically crushed him the whole time. That was so funny.

However, even with all that joy, something is wrong with me. I mean very, very wrong. I wake up feeling like shit. I'm talking mentally, not physically. I don't know why, but everything from yesterday keeps playing back in my head and it hurts. In fact, everything depressing that's ever happened keeps playing back. All of the death and destruction. It's all my fault.

"Stiles? Are you okay?" Scott coos. I clench my eyes and turn away from my boyfriend's face. I can't let him see me like this. I don't even know what is happening. He wraps one arm around me and pulls me close to his chest. That would usually help, but not now for some reason. There is a pain in me. It's in my chest, my heart.

"Stiles. Babe, tell me what's wrong." I shake my head. He knows I won't tell him so Scott begins to run a hand softly through my hair. My chest continues to ache, and it spreads through my body. All those people I killed. Both my mom, Allison, Brody's group. It's all enough to make me weep. I suddenly feel a warm substance trickle down my face from my nose. It wasn't snot from my crying, it's blood. My whole body locks. I can not move a single muscle. What the hell is going on? I was fine yesterday.

"I don't know why you are crying, and I know you hate when people care about you, but please. Just let me care for you." Scott beggs. Then, as if it's a gift from above, everything stops. I get back control of my body, and my nose stops bleeding. I shoot up from lying down, breathing heavier than normal. The blood that was rushing out of my nose earlier, is now slowly beginning to dry. Scott sits up with me and puts a comforting hand on my back.

"What the hell was that?" I utter to myself, wiping my face.

"Scott, Stiles! It's time for us to head back home!" Malia hollers from the other room. I forgot we were going home today.

"Okay, give us a minute!" I yell back to her. I turn to my boyfriend and try to slow my breathing.

"Stiles, are you okay?" He asks me once again. I nod.

"Yeah, I am now. I don't know what happened." I reply. My eyes try to avoid his. I don't want him to get too suspicious of what happened. "It was just a nightmare. Let's forget about it and get our stuff together." I lie. He sighs but nods in agreement. Hate to do that to him, but I have to. He worried to much about me as it is.

"Sure. Let's get our stuff together." He sighs in defeat.


Once we got dress, we began to get our stuff together like Malia orders. Scott helped me clean my face, yet didn't say anything the whole time except 'Hold Still'. Then, whole time we've been gathering belongings, I've not said a word, neither has Scott. I don't want to admit it, but I am embarrassed. I bursted out into tears, I never do that, and that nose bleed is a big old mystery to me. Might aswell call it a coincidence and move on with it. Still ashamed of myself for cry though. I don't think I'm so much of a hardcore hybrid anymore. I don't know why, but my mental state has been so down lately. I just feel weak even if I'm not. Why of all day do I start feeling like I do today? There are 364 other days, why now? Could we have broken the siren spell and due to it's suddenly being broken, it caused a emotion over-

"Stiles, Scott! It doesn't take you ass holes that long to toss clothes in a bag! I can take a trip to England and back before you guys are done!" My brother shouts. Oh, that doesn't sound like someone who is suddenly depressed. What the hell is happening to me?

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