Chapter 53

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Stiles POV

"Diana..." I hiss. She sits there, grinning like the sinister bîtch she is. Scott, Lydia and Malia stare right at me with their deathly black eyes, chilling me right to the bone. "Let them go, you twisted waste of space!" I shout angrily. Her smile is creepier than Coach's pictures from his high school days. Does she seriously think I'm going to let her get away with this!? Does she think that anyone is going to let her get away with this!? If we aren't able to stop her, then others will. Does she realize that!? This is just useless to do!

"And hello to you too my ugly little monster of a grandson. I'm sorry I can't do that, but wow, you did get grand momma's looks, didn't you?" She snarks. I growl, flashing my black eyes and a row of shark like teeth. I look over at Brody at he's doing the exact same thing as me. Then there are the others. Harz is still fighting the troops and everyone else is about to help my brother and I fight this she beast.

"You bîtch! You just killed your own children and innocent people! Also, what was with the little girl act?! What was the reasoning with that? Cause that is a whole new level of low." Brody says with a toxic tone. She looks over to their corpses and shrugs.

"The little girl act was a way for me to force your brother here into telling the world about all ocean creatures. Humans fear the unknown, and what do they do with what they fear? They kill it or control it. The ocean creatures aren't going to like that and revolt, leaving me, their beautiful leader, to lead a rebellion against the human race." She begins with a chilling laugh. "We will crush them and their silly weapons, leaving the land for the sea to take. Then, as for the bodies..." She glances to me with a murderous twinkle in her eyes. This glare makes me uneasy, yet I show no sign of it. What she says next will haunt me for the rest of my life.

"They are nothing but flesh and necessary casualties." She calls it, making my blood boil. My flesh is now steaming to and I'm ready to strike her with all I have. We are about to light this crazy whôre up. Who is she to be calling all of those people necessary casualties and how dare she control all of my friends as well as my boyfriend! Killing all those people made me mad, controlling my friends pissed me off, but then she fûcked up majorly when she messed with my boyfriend. "Anyways, nice to finally get to meet you two, but it will only be short since I have to kill you. I'd say it'd be quick and painless, but we all know I'd be lying." She chuckles.

"At least she's honest." Tyler mumbles. Taylor slaps his sister up side the head. She instantly regrets what she said and doesn't slap back, meaning she probably saw it coming to her.

"Shut up, dumbass." He grumbles at her.

"However, before I do that, I'm going to kill you all on a emotional level first. See you in a few. Have fun." Diana disappears into thin air, leaving the corrupted comrades to fight against us. My heart sinks at the sight of my boyfriend being controlled. She will make him show no remorse against me. She knows I don't want to harm my love. She knows I won't hurt him. I can't hurt him. It'd kill me to do something to the love of my life.

"We're going to rip you apart, little fish." Void Malia laughs, popping out claws and fangs. Scott does the same, making me fear what we are about to do. This brawl is going to be a living hell for me. "And we are going to very much enjoy it." Void-like Scott adds with a sinister smile which makes me feel sick to my stomach. The person I care for the most is trying to kill me. How does that not rip someone to shreds? She was right about what she said. She's going to try and kill me on an emotional level. My body stiffens to a point where I can't move. Scott growls viciously at me and starts walking towards me, ready to pounce. Sweat beads down my face as I am faced with this horrible fear. I love him. I can't fight him. I love him too much to harm him.

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