Chapter 66

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My eyes slowly open and everything around me is a fuzzy white color. It has me thinking the worst possible thing I can think of. It has me thinking my soul has gone to the other side. What else could explain all of this white, holy looking light? I can believe I was stupid enough to think that I would be able to swim all the way down to Stiles! Look what I've done to myself! Stiles is now going to be all alone and my mother are going to be heartbroken. My mom... my dear sweet mother that birthed me. She'll never recover. Then there is Stiles and his illness. I dropped that potion when I died. My baby will never get fixed. Tyler can make another, can't she? She can fix my baby, can't she?

"Scott." An echoing voice calls out as a black figure moves over me. I look over the being, amazed. This must be an angel. My heart flutters and I am in awe at the first ever celestial being I've ever seen. From the shape of the being, I can tell that it is a male. Huh, I've always read about a beautiful angel named Azriel that comes to take you to heaven. A male is just as good though.

"Hello, angel. Have you come to take me to heaven?" I laugh, still in a daze. Hold up, what if my not in heaven, but I'm in hell?! Demons could be playing a trick on me to make me think that I'm about to be taken to heaven?! "Or are you a demon playing a trick on me in hell? I'm not going to let you mess with me like that!"

"Scott-" A hand cups my cheek and it's thumb begins to stroke my face. The hand is a little like sand paper and his fingers are like claws. This is definitely a demo- "You aren't dead you big idiot." A pair of lips crash against mine, causing my vision to clear up. Everything is clear and I can now see the bigger picture. I am in a cave area, but it wasn't a regular cave. There are shining, purple rocks lining the walls and there is actual furniture down here along with a bunch of treasures and gold. The seats of the furniture is a soft looking red fabric and the frame looks rustic gold. There is also a rustic table with a bunch of weird looking artifacts on it. My focus then snaps to the person who has their lips latched to mine. My heart flutters when seeing the person my soul desires. The brown headed beauty has his eyes closed and is currently in his merman form, however I can tell something is wrong. There are black scales all over his face and his side fins seem to be turning a different color than what they should usually be. They are this creepy black color and appear to be ripped in different areas. Screw it, I don't care what he looks like, I'm just so happy to see him.

"Hello to you too, Stiles." I chuckle happily. I finally close my eyes and embrace the first kiss I've gotten from my boyfriend in a very, very long time. It feels like our first kiss all over again. Everything feels all warm and fuzzy and nothing is getting sexual at all. It's just a warm embrace between lovers that have been away from one another way to long. I can feel teardrops form in my eyes and slowly slip down the side of my face. He pulls away and looks down at me with tears of his own. His eyes aren't the same. They are darker and have a black tint to them. Stiles also has his lips part, showing these razor sharp teeth that could rip through anything. He takes notice of me looking over him and frowns.

"I know, I look like a monster." He sighs.

"You aren't a monster, Stiles. Im only so ri d about your physical form. Why do you have traits of a trench demon?" I ask, cupping his cheek in my hand.

"It's apart of the curse Diana put on me before she died. Speaking of the curse, the cure Tyler tried to make does not work." Stiles replies, flopping down beside me. My eyes widen and I lean over and stare at him. I don't really know how to process the fact he isn't cured.

"What?" I mutter in disbelief. He nods.

"Yeah, it doesn't work. Tyler may be old and know a bunch about magic potions and stuff, but you need an actual sea witch to give the potion that kick." He explains, making me confused.

"Shouldn't she have know that?" I question, and he nods.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't blame her if she didn't. I didn't know about it till I started reading some spell books I found lying around this grotto." He replies. Stiles then pulls himself up and over to a couch. He sits up and glares over at me because I couldn't help but chuckle. "Listen here you wolf boy. I can change back into a human for, so if you have a problem with me wiggling around like a fish out of water then we are going to have to fight." He hisses, tossing a golden coin at my head. I was just barely able to catch it before it hit me in the head. Holy shit, this thing is actual solid gold.

"Let me guess, that's another part of the curse?" I ask, getting up and walking over to sit next to him. Stiles nods.

"Yep, now back to what I was saying. I was reading through these books and apparently you have to have a a sea witch for any potion to work." He explains, closing the book and placing it on the table.

"So, what you're saying is, that I have to find a sea witch to save you?" I question. He leans his head on my shoulder and sighs.

"Yeah, that's exactly it, but sea witches aren't too fond of mer-people being that Diana enslaved so many of their people." He replies. I lean my head on his head, trying to think of a way to save him.

"Don't lose hope, Stiles. I am going to get you help." I whisper, feeling a tear roll down my face. I sure hope I can indeed.


Holy emotions Batman!

-Ms. FanFicForTheFace

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