Chapter 17

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Liam POV

I woke up extremely early this morning to go fishing with my dad. We haven't been on a trip together like this since I was seven so I'm very excited. Just him and I fishing the day away. Two men, two fishing poles and one adventure. That really just sounded like a bad action movie. Almost as Pluto Nash. Who am I kidding, nothing is as bad as that movie.

"Son, did you get the bait?" Dad asks from the other room. I froze and bit my lip. I didn't get the bait, shit!

"Um, n-yeah! Give me one second." I took off at sonic speeds to wal-mart to get what was needed for this trip. I'm not about to ruin this adventure from my stupidity. Row after row I searched for the bait, finding it exactly where it should be. The hunting section. I am so stupid sometimes I- "ofph!" I groan, running into someone.

"Ow!" A female hisses in an Australia accent. I looked up to see a girl with brownish, black hair looking down at me with an angered expression. "Who the hell do you think you are?! Watch where you're going!" She snaps then walks off. Well that wasn't rude.

I slowly get up and look around to see there was no sight of her anywhere. How did she walk away that fast? Never mind that, I need to get worms.

??? POV

I was waiting for my friend to meet me to find his son. I'm just a little pissed that he stood me up like this. It's been what, a little over 18 years since he's seen him? There is just a little disappointment I have pulsing in my bone, that's all. War shouldn't get in the way of family an family shouldn't get in the way of other family.

I was about to walk away when I felt something brush past me.My body quickly 360 to see what's the cause. To my surprise it was a high school boy running at at least one hundred miles per hour! That boy was running at super speed!There is no way he is normal I thought. He was way to fast to be human.My curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to see if he was like me so I follow him all the way to Walmart. To my dismay, I lost track and nearly gave up. That was until someone ran into me.

"Ow!" I hiss. He almost knocks me over but I kept my balance at bay. For him on the other hand, he went crashing into the ground. I look down at him with fire in my eyes just as soon as he looks up. "Who the hell do you think you are?! Watch where you're going!" I growl then start to walk off. He looks away to pull himself off the floor giving me a chance to zip away and hide behind an aisle to watch him. I'm going to see what exactly is up with this guys. What is he doing at a Walmart at 6:00 A.M?

"Well, that was...different..." He looked around and walk over to a shelf. Interesting, what could he be buying from the hunting section? I watch as he looks over the fishing section, grabs some bait, then walks off to pay. Really, all that for bait?  Fûcking hell, what else was I expecting him to be looking for in the fishing section. However, That still doesn't explain how he was able to run that fast. Guess it's up to special agent Spivey to solve this case! Come on girl, think! What can I do to figure this out? From my known list of supernatural creatures there is only a few that can have his power.

1- A siren, like me.
2-A vampire, but it's unlikely since he doesn't have white hair or pale skin.
3- Any type of were-creature, which there are a lot of
4- Shape shifter

Let's follow him and see what we got.

Lydia's POV

I got up at around 10:00 A.M to get ready for mine and Stiles brunch together. We've been so stressed, I decided to treat both of us to Red Lobster. According to his logic shrimp is life to mer people just like pizza is for human therefor he shall get the endless shrimp.

From: Lydia
To: Stiles
I'll be there in 10. Better b ready af

I hit send and walked out the door to my car. To my surprise he didn't text me back. He always texts me back, even if it's in the middle of the night. I wonder if he's okay.

He better not be late cause his fishy ass owes me bff quality time. We are going to do all the fun girls day things minus everything but eating our feelings away. There may not have been a break up but there sure as hell will be some eating, I'll tell you that much. I can hear the buttered lobster calling my name.

I got to Stiles' house to see Scott's motor bike outside. That's weird, what is he doing over this early in the morning? Scott usually doesn't get up before 11:00 A.M on a Saturday so that's strange. Maybe he mad and exception to see his boyfriend? Or maybe he just stayed over for the night, who knows. (I do XD)

I pulled up in the drive way and got out of my vehicle to see all of the light in the house were still off, meaning Stiles nor Scott were up. He did stay over for the night, but I guess that isn't abnormal for couples to do. I look through the window to see if anyone was in their and my body froze. Scott and Stiles were intertwined on the couch in nothing but their birthday suits. I was still frozen in shock but some part of me though it through enough to pull out my phone and take a picture. The damn fan girl is slowly taking over my body, I swear. 

After sliding my phone back into my purse, I pulled myself together and knocked on the door. There was a hard thud from the other side, meaning Stiles must have fell of trying to frantically get up. "WHO IS IT!?" A raspy voice of Stiles Stilinski called out. Is it bad I want to laugh at him? I wonder if they just fell asleep on each other while watching movies or if they did something and ended up like that.

"It Lydia. We have a bff day at Red Lobster, remember?" I ask.

"Shit." I will take that as a no. I could hear them rustling around a bit mumbling something about putting up pizza and getting dress. In a good two minutes Stiles ran to the door and opened up.

"Of course I didn't forget about our friend day. It going to be the best of the two of us! Banshee and Sirenex friendship time!" He cheer. I kept a blank expression on my face and rose a eyebrow.

"Yeah... sure... let's go." I hiss then walk off to my car with a frown. On the other hand,  I let part of me smile knowing I had a picture of what I encountered.

Looks like Malia and I have something new to fan girl over. Just another thing to add to the Sciles scrapbook.

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