Chapter 23 *Crossover Pt.4*

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Scott-2 POV

I can't help but start to worry. Both Stiles' have been gone for a fair while now. I try to assure myself that nothing could have happened to them. Instead, I try to make conversations with the others. "So, in this world, are you guys supernatural?" I ask them. The other me steps forward a little. "Yeah, we are. I'm a True Alpha, Samantha and Kara are mermaids, Stiles is a merman, Kira is a kitsune, Lydia is a banshee, Malia is a werecoyote and Liam, Isaac and Derek are beta werewolves. Derek used to be an alpha, but he lost the power when he saved his sister." Scott explains. I nod in understanding. This world seems quite like my own. Well, except for the fact that Samantha and Kara don't exist on my world and Brody doesn't exist here. That's probably a good thing that Samantha doesn't exist on my world though. My Stiles was right. She definitely seems like a real bitch that has to control everyone and everything. I'm disappointed in myself for wanting to go out with her. I might talk to him about it later.

"Hey, does your Stiles have a tattoo that used to hold his powers at bay?" I ask curiously.

"No, but he did drink a potion that made him stay human until a few months ago. Now, every time he touches water, he will grow a tail. It will stay that way until he reaches the age of 18, where he can take a different potion where he will only grow a tail if he touches salt water." Lydia answers. I nod in acknowledgement.

"I know that a magic mirror somehow brought you here, but how did it actually manage to send you here? Did you look into it or something?" Liam asks curiously. As Brody explains what happened, my mind starts to wander again. I think back to when Stiles kissed me just before. I could smell the conflicted emotions of two particular people in the room: the other Scott and Stiles. Scott smelled of shock, embarrassment, disbelief and possibly fear. Why fear? Hmm, something must have happened to him that no one else knows about. Knowing me, I would keep it to myself. Again, maybe I can ask the other Scott about it later. As for Stiles, his scent of embarrassment, shame, longing and heartbreak were there and clear as day. Not to mention that he went bright red and ran out of the room. I don't have any backstory with these two people, but it seems to me that the other Stiles in love with the other Scott. Somehow, this other Scott must be oblivious and doesn't see it, even if the signs are all there. He's blinded by Samantha. He can't see past her. Going by these conclusions and my own experiences, I think he could possibly have feelings for Stiles too, but he just doesn't know or understand them. Not yet, anyway. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Brody finishes speaking.

"Well, that doesn't sound messed up at all." Samantha rolls her eyes. I quickly glance over at Kira. Out of everyone else in the room, she is the one that looks the most annoyed at Samantha's comment. I guess she isn't a big fan of Samantha's then. Who would be? Just as if some force of nature wanted to answer my question, the other Scott takes Samantha's hand and squeezes it comfortingly. I was wondering about the girl that the other Stiles was talking about when I ran into him earlier. "Don't worry, we can get this sorted out. I promise." Scott assures her more than any of us, particularly the ones in the room who don't even belong in this freaking universe! I feel a little annoyed by that, but I don't let it show. Suddenly, both Stiles' walk back into the room. They both look a little surprised about something, but I have no idea what. Suddenly, I realize that my Stiles looks a little pale. I rush over to him. "What happened? Are you okay?" I fret over my boyfriend.

"I may have used my mind walking ability longer than needed." He answers. My Stiles stumbles a bit and the other Stiles catches him before he falls. I rush over to his side in a panic. The other Stiles isn't as strong as mine, so my baby was nearly dropped straight to the floor. Brody and I grab an arm each, hoisting Stiles up and onto the examination table. "Man, is there five of you guys?" He mutters as some blood comes out of his nose and eyes shut.

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