Chapter 27 *Crossover Pt.8*

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Scott-2 POV

"Watch out!" I comment as the other Stiles' eyes suddenly roll into the back of his head and he starts to collapse. The other Scott manages to catch him before he hits the ground. He holds onto his best friend, checking for vital signs of life. We quickly notice that the back of the other Stiles' head is sticky with blood. Thankfully, the bleeding seems to have stopped.. "What's wrong with him?" The other me frowns worriedly.

"I think he has a concussion. I might have smashed him into a tree too hard. Using his powers straight after a blow like that wouldn't have helped his condition either," My Stiles comments uneasily as he rubs the back of his neck. "What? Why on earth would you have done that?" I ask my boyfriend in confusion.

"Um... the full moon started affecting me. Stiles here managed to pull me out of that state just in time," My Stiles answers. It doesn't look like he wants to share any more details about what happened and I don't blame him. I decide to change the subject to a more important matter. "We should get him to Deaton's. I'm sure that he can heal and check over Stiles. A hospital probably wouldn't be a good idea." I suggest. The others agree full heartedly. I watch as the other me picks the limp Stiles up in his arms. "Do you want me to carry him?" I offer, knowing it could be awkward for him to carry Stiles like that in front of his girlfriend as well as the fact that his hallucination might be playing on his mind. The other me shakes his head. "No, I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer, though." He replies. I nod in acknowledgement. The four of us walk away from the lake and back through the forest.

Once we finally get to the animal clinic, we rush through the doors, hoping that Deaton is here. "Deaton? Stiles got hurt!" The other me calls out in a panic. Suddenly, Deaton and the rest of the pack plus the people from our world (aside from Brody and Taylor) appear from out of a back room. They gasp in surprise as they see Stiles lying unconscious in Scott's arms. "What happened?" Deaton asks immediately, quickly returning to the back room. Everyone else follows. The other Scott lies the other Stiles down on the metal bench. "We think he might have a concussion. He was slammed up against a tree pretty bad. We found him with his head bleeding." Samantha answers. Deaton walks over and examines Stiles. He opens one of his eyes and checks his pupil. He then closes it and feels his head. Once he has done that, he grabs his stethoscope, lifts up Stiles' shirt and places it over the area of his heart. Deaton places the ear pieces in his ears. Once he has found what he is looking for, he puts the stethoscope away and pulls Stiles' shirt back down again. Deaton then quickly checks Stiles' pulse. Deaton lifts Stiles' head gently and checks the wound. He then places Stiles' head down on the table again. "Is he going to be okay?" The other me asks worriedly, biting his lip slightly.

"Yes, he will be fine, Scott. All he needs is a bit of rest and maybe a couple of painkillers. I don't think the wound needs stitches. Besides, Stiles' head wound will heal in the water anyway." Deaton responds. The other me nods, looking very relieved. Samantha places her head on Scott's shoulder, looking worn out. "Should we pour water on him now?" Lydia asks. Deaton shrugs.

"If you really want to, then yeah." Deaton answers. Lydia fills up a jug of water. Isaac and the other Liam get a lot of towels and clothes ready. "I feel bad for leaving Brody and Taylor out there," My Stiles sighs, looking down at the floor. I put an arm around his shoulder.

"They'll be fine, Stiles. They'll know why you rushed off. Besides, they can take care of themselves." I smile at my boyfriend. He grins back.

"Yeah, you're right." Stiles says as he lays his head on my shoulder. From the corner of my eye, I can see Samantha glaring at us with disgust. When she sees me looking, she quickly changes her expression. Soon, Lydia pours water over the other Stiles' head wound. About 10 seconds later, he transforms into a merman, his scaly red tail hanging over the edge of the metal bench and gills formed on his neck. Our Liam has to jump out of the way, afraid that he was going to get hit as it grows. I chuckle slightly, as does Malia. I walk over to the other Stiles and watch with fascination as the wound starts to heal. Lydia wipes the blood away. I help Isaac and the other Liam dry this world's Stiles off. After a few minutes, this Stiles transforms back to human again. "When do you think he will wake up?" My Stiles asks curiously.

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