Chapter 41 ~Pt.2~

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Stiles splashes down into the water and stretches out, feeling free with his tail. He loves being on land with his boyfriend, but the water is where he feels most comfortable. His first time in the ocean might have only been a couple of days ago, but he feels like he is one with his surroundings already. Only if there was a way for Scott to come down with him and feel what it's like to swim with the fishes.m

"Follow me." Fang says, swimming away fast with Brody.

"Keep up old man!" Brody shouts. Stiles' eyes widen at how fast they are. The simera gets the sudden realization that he's faster than them which makes him smile maniacally.

"Oh, it's on." Stiles whips his tail at full speed and shoots through the water like a bullet. He catches up with the other two in the matter of seconds and gets in between them. They raise their eyebrows and nod at the speed the brown haired young adult can get.

"Damn, your fast, son." Stiles cringes a bit with him calling him son. Stiles isn't used to the feeling of Fang being his father. Sheriff has always been there since he was a baby so he thinks of John more as a guardian. Brody sorta feels the same, but the raven haired lad didn't stay at home as long as Stiles. When Claudia died, Brody thought that meant sheriff didn't love him, so he left.

"Yep." Stiles states popping the 'p'. The next five minutes were spent in awkward silence. They don't know what to chat about, so Brody decided to bring up a subject he still doesn't know the answer to.

"So, Stiles..." Stiles turn to his brother with a 'mhmm?' face. "Why do you talk in an American accent again?" Stiles bites his lip not even knowing the answer to his own actions.

"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing." Fang admits to the twins.

"I don't really know. When I was little I did it so people wouldn't make fun of my accent. I guess talking like this..." he then took a pause to switch to his Aussie accent. "Is easier than taking like this." Fang laugh and says 'Wow' at how soothing and thick his sons accent.

"Damn, that's one thick accent." Brody laughs. He forgot how thick Stiles voice can really get. "I'm jealous." Stiles coughs, sending up bubbles. He then looks away to hide the blush covering his face.

"Your moms accent was like that. She had a very deep and sexy accent." Fang informs the two with what seems to be a fake smile. " Her dad and mom said she was the best thing that happened to them and even when they found out she loved a merman like me. They even treated me like a son and their kingdom even became fond of me as well." His smile faded and his face drops. "Everything changed when Diana found out about me dating a siren. She flipped out and when Mali came to visit for the first time, my mom tried to kill her." Fang admits. Stiles and Brody didn't know what to say to that.

"When she got pregnant with you two, the sirens watched over her as well as I. Diana tried so many times to kill her. We all know that three years ago she finally was successful. I'm just glad we sent you two away to where Diana couldn't find you. When Brody went into the water for the first time it let off a large amount of magic energy which signaled where you guys were, him either the Trench demons attacking you guys. I just don't know how she got those monsters." The king explains further on. "I couldn't come here before cause I was always on watch by a guard 24/7. Spivey always stayed with her great aunt at this place where we are going along with a sea witch named Star. When my aunt Bella died a month ago, her kingdom was then inherited to me, meaning I was no longer under Diana. I sent Spivey here with the note while I got everything in order. When that was cleared up I came asap. By the way, we are here." Stiles snaps out of his trance and looks around for said kingdom. When he locks on to the palace his eyes bulge out of his head. He was going to ask more about the sea witch but this has caught his attention to a higher extent. This place is f*cking insanity! It was so large and colorful with coral. There are caves all around which looks to be where other people lived. Animals were swimming all around and kids were out having a good time.

"Wow." The twins muss in sync, stopping to take in the sight. It's the most beautiful thing they've ever seen.

"This is amazing!" Brody shouts, catching the attention of some people. Fang swims up next to him and chuckles, patting his back. The people gasp as they see their king swim by with his two sons. A few of the merpeople eye off Brody and Stiles' tails warily, noticing straight away the small, but noticeable differences between their tails and regular merpeople tails. Stiles especially feels uncomfortable about this. Everyone knows that a tail only turns black if you have taken the life of an innocent. Well, in this universe, anyway. Brody notices his brother's unease. He looks over at him.

"They think I'm a killer." Stiles mumbles. He is scared of the people's reaction.

"Don't worry man, it's fine." Brody assures his brother and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Besides, they don't know english." Fang notifies the speaks in their language. "Z ch chroco kuku oke chor chkuch k'z stke." Stiles has no clue what that means, but from Brody's smile it was a good thing.

"Don't know what he said but I'm guessing it was something positive." Stiles laughs and Brody nods.

"Yeah, he said 'My people, please don't judge before you know'. I say that's my new favorite quote. It beat your 'Be kind' motto." Brody answers and admits in one. Stiles fake punches Brody and get a punch back. The to share a death glare then begin to play fight on the way there.

"Boys, we are at the palace. Behave." Fang orders the twins. They break apart and look forward to see they are at the front doors. When the twins look at the doorway their eyes nearly bulge out of their head. There in the doorway of the building was a girl around their age. She has brown dread locked hair, a slim face, thick figure, and brown eyes. There was no attraction to the female,on the other hand there was surprise from one detail. She doesn't have a tail, he has a set of tentacles. This must be the sea witch Fang was talking about.

"Welcome to the Pacific Palace Prince Z'rox and Prince Zander." She musses. "My name is Star and I'll be your guide." The sea witch adds. Star turns around and motions for them to follow. The twins share a hesitant glare before following after the female, leaving Fang behind.  

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