Chapter 40

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Fang gave the pack five hours to pack their things and ask permission from their families.  It wasn't that big of a deal since Spring Break holidays starts tomorrow. That's what they thought, at least. Mason's mom said no, Hayden's mom said no, Liam's dad said no, and Derek can't go because of his leg. Tyler wasn't going to go at first but she insists it's to protect her younger twin. Malia straight up told her dad that she was going and that he couldn't stop her. Lydia's mom almost didn't let her go until she mentioned she wanted to check out some colleges that were in the area. She happily agreed then. Melissa didn't like her baby boy going to another continent with a stranger that is supposedly Stiles' real dad, but she knows alpha stuff and boyfriend stuff was brought in on this. She also knows Argent will be there to supervise them all, and that was the thing to make her say yes.

"Listen here dumbass, if you die while you're over there, I'm going to bring you back to life just to kick you ass. Do you understand me?" The alpha nodded and agreed to the term. Now, moving on over to Stiles who was having a harder time getting permission. Now, over to Stiles where things get a bit more complicated. John knows that it's a bad idea for his son to go anywhere near that place, even if Argent went with them. It was too dangerous for everyone to even go remotely close. Diana was a good five hour swim away from where they want to go and he was not letting his son fall victim to that witch.

"Stiles, there is no way in hell I'm letting you go to Australia for spring break!" Sheriff groans, laying his head on his desk.

"Dad, come on!" The young adult pleads.

"No! I don't want you to get hurt!" John states, point blank. Stiles groans and slaps his forehead. His dad doesn't get it. He has to go to Australia to stop Diana from killing more people than she already has. Diana has to die but he can't kill her if he's not there to fight her. Stiles turns around to see if the blinds are closed, which they are. He has to convince him one way or another. Stiles turns back to his father's desk and takes notice to the cup of water sitting there.

"Dad..." Sheriff looks up and Stiles lifts the water out of the container. John watches as his son changes the form of the water into different figures of different people. One of Claudia, one of his real mom, one of Allison, one of Spivey, and a figure of each of the members of Brody's pack. All of the pack's dead loved ones. "Mom, died due to her hatred of Brody's ways, but she also died due to a dark force inside of her by an unseen force." Stiles let go of his hold on the figure, making it fall apart. "I have a feeling that was the doing of Diana." He then moves onto his real mother, Mali. "She was poison by a mutated box jellyfish that Diana made." The figure drops. "I had to kill her to end her long suffering." He then moved to Allison.

"Son, bringing her up is proper reason I don't want you to go." Sheriff points out. "She went on a trip to Australia and was killed by an ocean current that pulled her under." Stiles held up a finger for him to wait.

"Turns out the current was unnatural. Brody got the insight from a former guard of Diana's that it was a planned killing." Allison's water figure drops. He moves over Spivey. "She was killed today, dad." Stiles starts off with some tears. "My sister and Diana's granddaughter." He drops her figure. "But it doesn't matter, does it? I never got time to know her before Diana's hit man killed her." He then pulls over the group of Brody's. Sheriff's heart sank at the familiar faces. He remembers every single one of them. All of them were orphans at one point before Brody gave them a family and for a small point in time, Sheriff gave them a home.

"This pack, that was like kids to you, is dead because of the same hitman." All of the figures drop, forming a large puddle on sheriff's desk. Just when John thinks it over, Stiles lifts the water back up and forms the living. Scott, himself, Malia, Lydia, Liam, Mason, Hayden, Brody, Tyler, Taylor, Argent, Sheriff, and Melissa. "How many more have to go before this ends?" Stiles hisses, then moves all of the water back to the cup. Sheriff sighs looking between the water and Stiles. He even had a couple of tears from hearing that the kids that he once loved so much, got murdered by a mad woman. His heart was aching with depression and furry. He want's the b*tch to die a slow and painful death. "You can go, as long as you put her ass where she belongs." Stiles smiles. "I sure as hell will."

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