Chapter 33 *Crossover Pt.15&16*

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Stiles-2 POV

Everyone glares at Derek with annoyance. Derek raises his hands in surrender. "What? It's just my opinion!" He states. I roll my eyes as I look away from the sour wolf.

"That's it. I need to have a talk with him." My boyfriend sighs, walking out after his doppelganger. The other me quickly starts to walk in my direction with an angry expression. "What the hell did you just do?" He growls at me.

"I stood up for all of you! That b*tch right there is running you all over and is up to no good!" I yell back defensively. "Maybe you should stop. You aren't making things better, you are only making everyone angry." My doppelganger tries to reason with me.

"Stiles standing up for himself!? Haha, never! He's too weak!" Samantha laughs. The other me turns around to Samantha. "Shut up, you bitch. I try to help you, but what do I get in thanks? Verbal abuse? If that is your sign of appreciation, then you must be really messed up. Don't test me. I will fight you if I have to. I won't care what Scott will think of me." He snaps. Samantha is so shocked by Stiles' outburst, she doesn't notice that Tyler has managed to break free of Liam's grasp.

"I'm gonna rip you apart! No one talks about my family or my friends that way!" The vampire hollers. We were lucky that Brody and Taylor caught her just in time. From past experiences, I know she would have killed her. That might not have been a bad thing though. Oh well.

"Tyler, mettez votre cul en ligne et calmez l'enfer!" Taylor exclaims urgently. She doesn't do as she is told. I forgot how much of a temper she has. She's like a nuke ready to go off! "Fine, you asked for this!" Taylor's nails pop out and dig into the back of her neck. Almost instantly making her fall asleep. "Gotta love pressure points." He sighs. Everyone stares in shock. The other me turns to Samantha, starting to lose his temper. "Why are you doing this? Why are you making everyone so angry? Do you enjoy this? Huh? Is this your type of fun? Why can't you just keep your horrible thoughts to yourself for once? You seem quite capable of that around Scott!" He yells loudly, right in front of her now.

"Don't you get it yet, Stiles?" She chuckles darkly, looking up.

"I do love the pain, but not just any pain. I love agony." She continues. Wow, that is just f*cked up.

"So you're pretty much like a Nogitsune, huh? Just a bitchier version of it." The other me replies, his voice seething with quiet anger. What the hell is a No-git-sune? It sounds like a bad smex position. Samantha laughs. "Scott told me all about that. You should understand my desires, considering you felt the exact same things. You loved chaos, strife and pain. You couldn't get enough of it. You're worse than me. Much worse." Samantha tells the other me quietly. Whatever this Nogitsune thing is, it sets the other me off completely. He lunges at Samantha, but Isaac and Derek rush forward to hold him back from seriously hurting her. The other me struggles for a few more moments. "If he told you anything about that incident, he would have also told you that it wasn't me! I was possessed! I could only watch what that thing did! I never wanted to hurt people! Do you even know what it is like to be trapped in your own mind? That was the worst experience of my life! Don't you even dare try to tell me that I enjoyed it. You have no right to say that! I had to watch some of my friends die! I hate you! I have tried to look for any goodness inside of you, but I can't find anything. I don't understand how Scott loves you! I guess you must be a really good actress!" He shrieks in fury. A sofa flies across the room, narrowly missing Samantha. She jumps in surprise, as does the rest of the group.

"This is where I think I'm going to get involved in this conversation." I state, walking over to Samantha. Her eyes turn aqua like she is going to attack me, but that soon changes. Right as she jumps at me I hold out a hand, stopping her body in mid air. "I don't know what makes you think you're so powerful but I'm going to try and find out." I move my hand around a bit, putting her into a restrained position. She wiggles and wiggles, but can't break free.

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