Chapter 63

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Scott's POV

After Malia up and left Lydia and I started talking less about biology and more about life. It's been a while since I've talked with Stiles and it's putting me in a dragging mood. I just want to help him and cheer him up. He is keeping all to himself. Stiles has been so secluded that he has bunkered himself in a grotto at the bottom of the lake. Who know's how long he's kept his oceanic form for. It hurts me to see him do that to himself and it also hurts me to know he won't let me help him. He hasn't been the same since the Diana incident.  I've heard Tyler say something about him having a curse on him. If that's true it's going to piss me off. That would mean that he's been sick for a while and no one has done anything to cure him.

"You do realized you said all of that out loud, right?" Lydia asks. She glances up from her book to give one of her slight smirks.  I slightly blush and scratch the back  of my head in embarrassment. I can't believe I said all of that out loud!

"Uh, no, but I do know." I laugh nervously. She closes the book then places on the coffee table. The banshee leans back on the couch while shaking her head. What is all of that for? Why is she shaking her head at me? I know I ranted a rant that I shouldn't have been ranted, but come on! Cut me some slack I am under tons of pressure between school and supernatural shit!

"Scott, tell me what's wrong." She demands. Lydia puckers her cherry red lips and bobs her head as if she was trying to act cool. Oh dead ladies and gentlemen. We have a true bad girl on our hands.Forgive me if that was coated in sarcasm, but I call it and spill it like I see it.

"Didn't I just tell you all of that?" I query. I close my own book and sit back with a huff. She shrugs.

"Yes, but I need more details." Lydia says. I sigh but nod my head in agreement.

"I just want to have a simple conversation with him. I want to talk with him, but I can't even get to him since he's sheltered himself in that cave. He's in pain, but won't let himself
get help. It makes me feel like a pathetic person since I can't help him." I explain to the banshee. She slightly hums and taps her index fingers together. What is she doing? Is that some new thinking mechanisms for her? It's a very cliché thing do. It's almost movie like and slightly unrealistic.

"What if we can get Deaton to make you a potion like the one you had in Australia?" Lydia suggests. "That way you can go talk to Stiles and if he tries to run off you can go after him." She is such a smart freaking banshee!

"That's a great idea! We need to go see Deaton right now!" Without warning her or thinking twice, I pick Lydia up and head off to Vet's office.

Tyler's POV

Malia and I look though potion books that could help us come up with a cure to pull Stiles out of his depression. Some of my potion memory is coming back to me, but it's all fuzzy. Deaton has very little about mental illness curses. That's a big problem.

"This is like looking for a needle in a hay stack." My 'friend' groans.

"Well that's better then trying to find hay in a needle stack." I admit as I shuffle though another book. The only thing I've seen that was slightly relevant to the answer was a watery sadness potion. Stiles isn't just sad. He for sure has crippling depression. I'm just surprise he hasn't killed himself by now with all the messed up shit in his head. It's unfortunate I can't mess with his mind to make him sane once again.

"Was that a reference I should know?" Malia question. She looks up from a book with sheer confusion. Really, baby? You are wanting to ask this now?

"I don't know. I think that happened in spongebob once." I reply skimming page after page. Slime potion, No. Cat potion, no. What the funk do you need a cat potion for and what does it even do? Does it turn you into a cat or does it make you act like a cat?

"That show with the gay sponge guy?" She queries with a tilted head. Ugh! Why so many questions?! I need to concentrate on- hang on... oh my god! That's it!

"Sponge! SPONGE!" I shout with joy as I flip to something I remember being taught by a friend of mine named Grotto. She was a mermaid that was as smart about magic. She was way better than any sea witch I've ever seen. She was just amazing!

"Sponge?" Malia mumbles in shear confusion. Oh my god, she doesn't understand what's going on. Can't blame her. The only thing I said was 'sponge' twice. Maybe I can try to explain a different way.

"Okay, you know that guy from Heroes? The sponge guy that can absorb peoples abilities, do you know him?" She cocks an eyebrow.

"Not personally, no. However, I've see him on TV. You talking about the Josh Peck looking guy?" She asks. I snap and give her a thumbs up.

"Yes! That's the one!" I chirp at her, flipping the pages faster and faster.

"How the hell does that help us?" She questions.

"Because it's exactly what's happening to Stiles except on a different scale. I think he may be absorbing negative emotions from around him." Her mouth open to say something, but closes back in seconds. I think I just broke Malia. I know it's not the hardest thing to do but there is steam coming out of her ears. Okay, I'm going to have to break it down to her.

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