Chapter 42 ~Pt.2~

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Everyone started swimming down to the kingdom without the werecoyote and the banshee. Neither one of them wanted to go down there due to different oceanic fears they each have. Malia is afraid of the wide and open spaces and Lydia is extremely scared of large sea animals. Looks like Scott will have to do for now, which is fine for everyone, mainly Star. It keeps her from having to make more of the potion. Speaking of the potion, Star did some type of voodoo looking thing that made the bottle disappear. According to her,  it teleported back to its original spot on the shelf it was taken from.

"So why did your dad bring you down here anyway?" Taylor asks out of the blue. Brody shrugs not even knowing why. None of them know why, not even Star who is Fang's assistant.

"I've got no clue, I think we need to ask him." Stiles points out. The others give some form of agreement whether it be a thumbs up or a nod. Either way works. The group just doesn't have time to talk, they need to swim. I'm mainly talking the alpha. Scott is doing good for his first swim with a tail, but he is still slower.

"Can't ask him right now. He's in a meeting right now and they last around five hours." Star informs them all. "I'm going to take you to a cool place instead of back to the castle." They all share a weirded glance, yet there was no questioning. Star seemed to know what she is doing. Might as well go with the flow of things.

"Alright, but this place better live up to the coolness." Brody jokingly warns the Sea Witch.
"I feel betrayed!" Brody shout. He is now looking at where Star want them to go. This place does not look fun whatsoever. If anything it's a mental death trap! These is no way in hell or high water that Brody is going to spend his spring break here.

"Same." Stiles says, seeing the same place. Stiles feels he has hand enough of this place  already. I mean, seriously! Who the freak wants to go to a high school for fun!?

"Are we really going to school?" Tyler groans and leans on her brother. Star gives them a evil smirk and knowingly chuckles. This means she knows something the others do not.

"Guys, I don't know how land schools are but the ocean schools are way more fun." She informs "By the way, I've got a mental link hooked up so you guys can hear our language in English." She announces the swims off towards the school. Everyone reluctantly follows the sea witch as she enters the coral red school. She must go here because no one is freaked out about the fact she's not a mermaid.

The five swim inside and go wide eyed. There were mer-people everywhere! There were even a couple other sea witches as well as some some sirens and nymphs. The hall are covered in different colors, fish are swimming around, and these teens are just like land high schoolers!

"Woah, nice tail!" A girl exclaims. Stiles looks to his right to see a brown headed girl who had the same exact tail as his brother. That means she's like them. She's a hybrid! Stiles is in awe by the fact this kingdom allows that! He does believe they don't judge here! This is so astonishing to his eyes. Everything here is perfect and kind and welcoming! "I know what the color means but a hybrid black tail is way cooler! Plus the tattoo! You are such a rebel!" She chirps then holds out a hand. Stiles slowly reaches out and shakes her hand. " The name is Sira, but everyone calls me Simera cause I'm one of the few hybrids." She explains then let's go of Stiles' hand.

"My name is Z'rox, but I like to be called Stiles." Her eyes widen and jaw dropped. The prince knew what would happen if he said that name. He kinda wants to take back what he said.

"Oh my gawd, it all makes sense now! The name, the tattoo! You are the king's son!" She cheers like a cheerleader. She wonder how she didn't realize this earlier! Tattoos and those names are sacred to the royal family! No one besides the royal family can have any of that stuff without being shamed, so he must be royal

Friend From The Ocean (Sciles)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang