Chapter 19

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That Following Friday

Stiles POV

All is good with my family. Both human and supernatural. Spivey, aka Spike, has joined our school to learn human things. She is extremely smart and has picked up on school work so fast. Especially math. She's even agreed to help Malia start passing. I haven't spent an obscured amount of time with my newly found sister but Brody sure has. Every few second he was breathing down her neck, asking another question about the ocean or herself. All I know is she is a year younger than us and is a hybrid as well. He insists that I get to know her better than that so I'm letting her hang with me and Scotty poo while we wait for his race to start.

The first swim meet of the season is today and I'm so excited to see Scott, Taylor, and Tyler go. I don't know how but coach talked my Vampire friend into joining the team. My boyfriend then pointed out to him that the white headed kid had a sister, ending up with the girl joining. It sorta went like...

"I'm glad you are on the team Taylor. You're a strong boy and a good asset to this team!" I can only think he was saying in his head 'I'm older than you'

"Uh, thank you?" He asks more than tells.

"However I still need one more girl. You guys know anybody?" He asks and we all shake our heads. He tried to point out Spivey but she frantically shook her head. "Damn it." He groans.

Scott then walked up to us, kisses my cheek, and then smirks at the group.

"Hey guys, what's happening?" He questions, as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. Taylor then trots up out of no where with a little blood on her lips. Guess she got her a snack.

"I need another girl for the swim team." He informs the alpha. Scott looks over at Tyler.

"What about her?"  I would tell you what happened after that but things got messy. I don't know how Brody did it but he got her to join Scotty and Taylor. The alpha persuasion I guess. If that's the case then where is the rest of his pack? I haven't seen them since the hospital incident. They probably skipped or something like that.

"Brody, where is your little posey?" I ask my brother as we watch the races. He shrugs. "Really?" I get a nod and a thumbs up.

"I don't know, they said they were going to go back home for he holidays so I guess that's where they went." Wow that some really good observation skills brother.

"Hey babe, come here." Scott calls from the bottom of the bleachers. I gave a quick look to my siblings before going down to see what he wants. To my surprise he grabs my face and plants a kiss on my lips. I then got another surprise when he stuck his tongue in my mouth. My eyes widen but softens feeling his warm mouth makes mine feel good.

"McCall,  Stilinski, quit making out before you run people off!" We break away redder than tomatoes.

"That ass hole, Good luck." I gave him one last good luck kiss before returning to my seat. Everyone kept looking at me all funny, earning them all the middle finger. "Jack asses."

"Okay as usual, Ladies first. Will the following girls please step up the the starting line. From  Devenport Prep, Allisa Gray, Madison Butcher, Donna Watson, Eliza Shito, and Shelly Runger. And from Beacon Hills High school, Tyler Bellaose, Gene Smith and Kelly Scot." Everyone cheered as they walked up to the pool side and got in ready position. I couldn't help but over hear Taylor and Shelly Runger Talking with one another. 

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