Tag, I'm It Apparently!

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I was tagged by my fren (go follow them!) Markers_Plus_Pens ! Be prepared for extra long, complicated answers because I like to talk!

(Also random Dan and Phil pic because why not)


1. You must post all the rules. (only reason I'm typing all this out tbh)

2. You must tag 13 people. (I don't know 13 people on Wattpad well enough rip my life)

3. You must answer all 13 questions.

4. Don't skip this tag.

5. Tag backs are allowed.

6. You must think of a creative title for your tag.

7. Post in a chapter, not a comment section.

Here we go!

1. How many times a day do you say like?
Like a million. No joke. This is actually an inside joke between me and my friends irl, even my teachers at school. Everyone knows I say like about ten times in a single sentence.

2. What do you think the title of this chapter means?
Ok, the title of your chapter is "The Lawn Doesn't Need to Be Mowed, Max." I honestly have no idea. Please forgive me if that is some reference to some super popular fandom that I'm not in.

3. On a scale of Dat Boi to Dan Howell, how ironic are your memes?
Wowza I'd like to think I have a pretty great meme collection (but I never show anyone shh). I'll have to say somewhere in the middle? Leaning toward Dan Howell definitely though.

4. Who's your favorite celebrity animal?
My favorite famous animal is (this is oddly specific) Hachikō, the Japanese Akita Inu that waited at the train station for his owner to return from work every single day, even after his owner died.

5. Who's a good human? Who's a good human?
Um, I am? I am!

6. How uncomfortable/confused did question five make you?
On a scale from one to ten, a lot. But hey, whatever man, I won't judge. (YOU'RE THE JUDGE OH NO SET ME FREEEEEEEEEEEE)

7. If you're trapped in an elevator with all of your celebrity crushes, what do you do?
If was trapped in an elevator with all of my celebrity crushes (they would be YouTubers and band members let's be real) I'd probably just like kiss them all? Like a lot? (Realistically I would just ask for pictures and hugs and sing songs with Tyler and Josh and make videos with Dan and Phil.)

9. What do you wish your first born child's first word will be?
Mama. Or something less boring, like tøp lyrics or something. But it will probably be mama.

10. What freaks you out the most?
Okay, this is gonna sound weird, but bones freak me out. Spines in particular. If someone bends over or twists or something and I see their vertebrae, I will literally cringe and run out of the room.

11. Would you rather meet Dan and Phil, Sam (Jared) and Dean (Jensen) or Brendon Urie?
Don't get me wrong, I like P!ATD as much as the next person, but I wOULD CHOOSE TO MEET DAN AND PHIL IN A HEARTBEAT.

12. Who is the sass queen?
Okay, Gerard Way is sass queen, but everyone seems to overlook how sassy Tyler and Patrick can be. Like Sasstrick?? And have you seen Tyler during interviews? Maybe I'm just biased (because I love Ty and Patrick), but in the end GERARD IS SASS QUEEN.

13. What grinds your gears?
When people are fake. Like, pretending to be somebody/something they're not. Also liars. As long as people are honest with me I don't have a problem.

And now it's my turn! Here's the questions y'all have to answer:

1. If you could go back in time and redo anything, what would you do?

2. Make the absolute worst pun you can.

3. Describe your dream last night. (Or the most recent dream you can remember.)

4. Would you rather meet your favorite band or your favorite YouTuber?

5. If you could personally be best friends with any celebrity, who would you pick?

6. What's your secret talent?

7. What is your favorite song by your favorite band?

8. What is something not even your best friend knows about you?

9. (Getting deep here) Do you contemplate death/have existential crises often?

10. What's your pet peeve?

11. Do you enjoy dank memes?

12. If you could give yourself a nickname, what would it be?

13. (I'M SORRY FOR ASKING THIS) Tyler or Josh? (You can choose both of you can't decide)
If you don't like twenty øne piløts (um why don't you?), then who is your favorite band member from any band?

Okay! That was fun! I tag...




Markers_Plus_Pens (You said tag backs are allowed I had to lol)










I just tagged some random people so sorry if you don't consider us friends!

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