21.Painted Pictures

214 15 19

My sister came up with this prompt.

Castiel Novak is an art major in his college. He has a part-time job at an art store to pay for rent in his apartment, which he also has a roommate. Dean Winchester.

They are complete opposites.

Cas is a blue eyed, black haired "art freak" who smells of wet paint and lemon. He is shy, shyer than anyone Dean knew, and very introverted. Cas rarely has had a drink, apart from the champagne at a friend's wedding. He wears light, sophisticated (as he says it is) clothing, as in a trenchcoat and a dress shirt.

Dean, on the other hand, is a full on extrovert. Dean has shocking green eyes with freckles splattered all over his face, barely able to be seen. He spends most of his time away from the apartment, at frat parties and bars. Dean is loud when he wants and quiet when he doesn't need to be. He has many friends, and dated many people in the past. He comes home completely drunk and passes out by the time he walks through the door.

They never really talked, but remained friends throughout the year.

That all changed when Cas was assigned a project for extra credit, to paint a human face. Having little to no friends made that difficult. He caught Dean on a day when he wasn't drunk and was actually home-studying. Cas got lucky.

He finally mustered up the courage to talk to him after a week of rehearsing what he was going to say. He walked into Dean's room, which was different from his. Rock band posters plastered on the wall. A messy bed. Everything an extrovert would have. "Um.. Dean?" He said quietly.

The brown haired guy turned around from his desk, eyebrows unfurling from the focus of schoolwork. He looked up at him. "What's up?"

His heart leaped in his chest-just hearing his voice. He forgot that he had a crush on him.

"Uhm.. S-so.. I got a project assigned to me.. Last week. And.. I'm.. I-I'm wondering if.. M-maybe.. Well, you see-it's a project on.. H-humans.. Can.. Can I p-paint you?"

Shock set inside Dean's eyes, turning into confusion.

"Why? Can't you paint anyone else?" Cas flinched, but there was only interest in his eyes.

"Well.. It.. W-would be interesting if I could c-capture your.. Features of your f-face..... Since they are.. V-very.. Nice." He mentally punched himself in the gut.

Dean only smiled and stood up from his chair. "I was only kidding, of course you can paint me. Nothing's holding you back. Also, I agree with you. I am hot." He walked out of the room, and Cas slowly followed him.

"Where do I sit?"

"W-well. Would you be comfortable of me taking a picture of your face?"

Dean grinned and sat on the couch. "It would be easier if I just sit, wouldn't it?" He asked, then began deciding on a emotion to convey for himself. Cas had to smile at him making faces while looking into a mirror across the room. He grabbed his paints, paper, brushes, and cups of water from the table.

He sat on the couch next to him, a side table pulled to his, well, side for easy access. Cas saw that Dean was already frozen in place, like a statue. "This will take a while.. J-just so you know." Dean met his eyes and gave him a look, like 'I know, just get on with it.'

The sketching of his face, eyes, and nose were easy, except for his mouth. It was hard to replicate. When he got frustrated, he set down his pencil and began mixing colors for his skin tone. He was immersed in thought about getting the colors right when he remembered the mouth.

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