32.(I forgot to Name this..) PINEAPPLE

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Before I start this one, I just wanna say four things:

One: Every Time I visit my story I feel happy because I see that the views grow, NOT BECAUSE IM LIKE A GODDAMN ATTENTION LOVER but like in a way in which it's like I know that people like the stories I like.. Does that make any sense?

Two:this is the most random prompt I have ever gotten, and I love it

Three: I Found shall be put on hold for maybe a few months so I can figure out how to write past chapter three, which I am writing now.

Four: i don't know about the art book, yet, since I'd rather get an art whatever it's called what's it called I'm being idiotic cmon grace get it together... An art.. Pad??? WHAT IS IS CALLED OH MY GOD.... Art...


I'm an idiot, anyways

So when I get a tablet I shall do the art book!



"Sam, what are those yellow things?"

Sam had just walked in from a grocery run, where he had bought a canister of his favorite fruits-Pineapple. Cas had just flown in (probably from Heaven) and found Sam carrying the clear box of square fruit.

"Uh.. It's pineapple.. Have you not heard of it? Aren't you an angel?" Sam said, obviously weirded out. Cas nodded, confused. He snatched the box from Sam, and opened it.

He took out a piece. "This is a strange texture for a fruit... But it has to be delicious, as it is a fruit."

Sam looked hesitant for him to try it. "But before you do it, it's a little-!"

Cas had already tried it. He revolted at the taste.

"Why.. Sam.. It is sour.. But it is good.."
Sam shook his head.

"Look, man, I gotta go, but.. You have a good time!" Sam then rushed out. Cas shrugged after a few seconds, then returned to eating them. Even though he squinted and cringed at the sourness of it, the taste was superb. He loved the taste.

Soon enough, though, he felt a slight burning sensation in his mouth as he finished one more. He had eaten half the box. He shrugged it off and kept eating.

The door clicked open and Dean walked in. He had just been at a bar, relaxing, and thinking about a certain hunt they had gone on. Dean saw Cas sitting on the couch, and smiled at him curiously. "Hey, man. What' cha doing?"

Cas was about to respond when the burning in his mouth returned, but much, much stronger. "Ow... Why does it-..Ow.....!" He winced slightly as he felt like he was being eaten inside out.

"Pineapple?" Dean said, picking up the box. Realization dawned on his face. "How much did you eat?!" He asked. Cas couldn't respond. Shutting his mouth was the only way to lessen the pain.

Dean disappeared into the kitchen, and came back with a glass of water. Cas looked up, confused, with watery eyes. "Drink this. Sammy did this when he was younger, and his mouth got really raw." Cas took a gulp of water. "Don't swallow! It's salt water. Swish it around."

Cas nearly threw up, but he followed his orders. Tears streamed down his face, and Dean guided him to the bathroom as he gurgled and retched. He finally threw up in the toilet soon after Dean left. Once he was finished, he walked out with blurry vision. Dean was pacing around, and when he saw him, guided him to the couch. He felt a cold object be set in his hands.

He looked down to see a cup of ice, a delicacy after the gurgling. The pain had lessened, but the tears were still coming out strong. Cas felt a warm hand wipe away a cluster of tears with the pad of his thumb from his cheek.

"You're a stupid, little angel." Dean said. He looked up, and saw amusement flicker in his eyes, as well as worry. He was scooped up into the hunters arms and cuddled into the couch.

"Dean.. I am an angel of the lord, I can smite you.. I do not need to be manhandled." He mumbled, even though he enjoyed it thoroughly. Dean did not respond, and only kept hugging him. Cas soon stopped complaining and ate his ice. Sometimes he felt lips touch his temple and then a chin touch his shoulder.

Cas felt his eyelids droop. He was suddenly tired, and flipped over slowly to fall asleep in Dean's arms. The Hunter stiffened slightly before relaxing fully, and taking him deeper into his arms, trying to wrap them fully around his shoulders.

Dean watched the Angel sleep. That was strange for him, since Cas usually was the one to watch over him. He always thought it was weird, but now, since he was doing it, he felt that it wasn't that weird after all.

Once in a while he heard the Angel whimper, probably from the pain. Cas woke up suddenly, popped an ice cube into his mouth, and settled back down again. Dean yawned, but still fought to remain awake. He looked down at the angel, no, his angel, and decided that it would be okay to fall asleep.

Cas woke up to a groggy feeling in his stomach. It disappeared once he saw Dean below him. He felt a tingling sensation in his mouth, and buried his face into his shoulder again. Dean grunted, but did not wake up. Cas decided to fall asleep again.

They didn't wake up until the next morning.

Dean took him on a date.

And they were finally at peace.

Sorry for the long upload thingy! I don't even remember when I last uploaded, I don't even know.. Probably only a few days, which seems like a lifetime to me-GOSH DANGIT SUMMER.

So I'll just finish this book (BUT NOT NOW! I'll upload these until I cannot have any more chapters..)

Does anyone know the chapter limit? Too lazy to check.. Eurgh.


I'm so excited

All my sister decides to play in the car


And I'm not complaining at all. I love the movie, and I'll like it even more in a musical form :D

So I probably won't upload nearing the 23rd, because I'll still be trying to get over the epicness of it.. I'm a weird person!



(I'll end it with that, I guess, like for the end of the AN it's just that

No fancy fancy)


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