56. Just Kiss! (600 Votes Special)

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Thank you all so much for 600 (612 now) votes!

It's hard to believe I've come this far in both my writing skills.. and it's hard to believe I've been writing these for a year now.

So I'd like (love) to thank you all for being here with me, and dealing with my slightly okay writing!

I'm going to try to make this longer, or it'll all fall apart if I get too tired, so.. wish me luck!

I'm going to aim for 1500, but maybe it'll get a bit higher.

The classic one-shot: Sam tries to hook his confused brother up with Castiel.

It was obvious from the start:

Dean and Castiel found each other attractive.

The glances over the shoulder, the almost-awkward pauses as the two stared at each other, and- don't forget- the sexual tension.

It was sad.

Cause, well..

The only person who really knew, who could tell that there was something there from the start was none other than Sam Winchester. It was after a heated discussion laced with sexual tension that Sam decided he was done.

"..You lost the blade?" Dean's voice was calm, but it was almost angry. He stared at Cas in bewilderment.

Castiel was standing only three feet away, at the other side of the table. His eyes were unusually icy. "Well, Dean. If it wasn't for a certain person, I would still have it."

Dean's eyes widened, and he played victim. "Oh, so it's my fault now?" Dean slowly stood, arms crossed. From Sam's perspective, watching from an armchair, it looked like two people in power, trying to one up on each other's power. To be honest, Sam was just there to be entertained by the bickering and also to pull them apart just in case fists started to fly.

And to leave if things got sexual.

Cas breathed in deeply through his nose, as if mentally saying you -little- motherfucker.

"Yes, Dean. It is your fault. The demon was right there. I was pinned to the ground by another, and instead of getting the blade first- because I was fully capable of defending myself- no! You went to me!"

Sam almost laughed, but stifled it, trying to lessen his chances of having to answer the "which side are you on" question. They're fighting over... saving each other? Oh my god. What a married couple.

"Yeah, well you looked like you needed help!"

"We needed that blade to kill Lucifer, you fuck." Sam raised his eyebrows. Woah, Cas cursed!

Dean seemed to be surprised too. "Like I didn't know. It'll be easy to get that demon killed and the blade back to us."

"By the time we get to the demon, Kelly will be close to giving birth to Lucifer's child." Cas sighed, looking like he was done.

But Dean wasn't.

"Why aren't we focused on Kelly anyways? She's the one giving birth to a nephilim! Lucifer doesn't need to die."

"Are you defending him?" Castiel said, straightening up. He almost looked taller, and almost was looking down at his brother from across the table. The tension thickened in the air.

The two ways the situation could end: blood and sex.

Sam just watched, scenarios playing out in his head. "Hell no."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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