26. Paint Pellets

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First of all, 1k views! WOO!
Thank you for the support and stuff!
THE VIEWS HAVE BEEN SKYROCKETING FOR SOME REASON like the other day it was at 917 views and it was at 956 views a few hours later.. Like...
Holy crap!

Now on to other topics and stuff

If you want me to write a fanfic, or more oneshots... I need a bajillion prompts-NOW if you can't, that's fine! But I just need like fifteen or so prompts to get me going for a while c:

Fanfiction prompts? Anyone?

Or just oneshot prompts, that's fine too!

Also, before I start, would anyone be interested in me making an art book?

Cause, I can only draw cats (except I just figured out how to do wings..)

Would you be interested in that too?

ANYWAYS IM GONNA FIGURE OUT WHAT TO WRITE-but please, tell me if you would like an art book, have prompts, OR anything else, go ahead c:

"Dean, do we have to do this?" Sam groaned as they approached the paintball "arena". Cas was looking around with a sense of fascination. Dean sighed, ignoring his brother's complaints, and walked over to the booth that fitted them with the padded armor and clothing, they would get the guns while waiting to go in the arena.

Dean was comfortable in the black, tight fitting clothing with light grey padding over it, and a helmet-duh.

He had his helmet already on, but Cas didn't. He swore that Cas was staring at him. Checking him out. But, the Angel looked away before he could tell. That gave him some time to look over at Cas. The tight clothing gave him clues on what his body looked like under the thick layer of clothes he wore all the time. Cas put his helmet on, strapping it on, and sighing deeply. DAMMIT Dean, now is not the time to stare! Sam still looked like he didn't want to do paintball, but he put on his helmet any way.

"Hey Dean. Can you stop looking at Cas's ass and can we get a move on?" Dean froze in his place as he heard his brothers muffled voice. He gulped and kept moving. His legs carried him into the room where they were given their guns, and neon colored electrical tape for their teams.

Cas was the blue team. Poor guy looked nervous.

Sam was on the red team. Of course.

And last, but not least, Dean was the green team.

They were given paintball guns and refills of paintballs so that they didn't run out. The instructor clapped for their attention.

"Alright. Since there is only three of you here, you will be playing death match. You must eliminate your other targets and win the game in a span of half an hour. The map is a maze, with other little corners to hide behind and inside. You must not win with brawn. You must win with stealth. Got it? Now, red team, go in first. You have thirty seconds to run."

Sam bolted through the door, darkness swallowing him up.

Dean started sweating in his helmet. The timer beeped. "Blue team, go." Cas looked reluctant. He looked over at Dean through a blue taped helmet. "Go. You don't have all day!"

Destiel Oneshots (fluff and smut)Where stories live. Discover now