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Telling others about Christ is something I find daunting, but a definite urge within me is present in obedience to our Lord Jesus’ command written in the Bible in Matthew 28: 18-20.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28: 18-20 New King James Version (NKJV).

Who do I tell? When do I tell? How do I tell? What do I tell? Tell of the gospel of Jesus Christ, no doubt. How, when, where, and to whom, are the questions that come to my mind. I asked God, and it was evident to me that it is everyone and anyone, in every circumstance or situation, where the opportunity arises. It may seem like the opportunity may never arise. Is that so? We limit our own opportunities. We blind ourselves to the fact that there is an opportunity staring at us. We need only to embrace the challenge, and just do it. When we open our hearts and minds to do so, we will see every opportunity. We are called to be in full time ministry in whatever we do and wherever God had placed us. Thus, my mission field or ministry is where I am – my home, workplace, places I go, people I meet, etc.

There was once when God gave me an opportunity to tell a stranger about Christ. I was in a public place, seated with an empty chair next to me. A gentleman came to occupy the seat. The instant he arrived, I heard God telling me to speak to the gentleman about Christ. I was afraid, but accepted the command. I did not know how to start the conversation, so I prayed to ask God for His wisdom on how to do so. What do I say? How?

God was so gracious to help me by letting the gentleman ask me instead. “Are you reading the Bible?” the gentleman asked. I was reading the Bible! I was studying the book of Exodus at that time. Thus, our conversation about Jesus Christ began. Throughout our conversation, I could feel the great love that God has for this gentleman. The gentleman began to open up his life to me about how he was hurt, and searching for answers. He was previously hurt because he wanted to have a relationship with a Christian lady but it did not work out as he was not a Christian. He said that he loved the lady unconditionally but there was no reciprocation.

This was not the first time he was having a conversation about Jesus Christ. He had a Christian lady friend who had tried to share the gospel with him before. However, even after our conversation, he was still not yet ready to receive and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Although, he mentioned that he envied the faith that I have, but he could not accept it for himself. The burden of God’s love for him grew heavier in my heart. God allowed me to feel to a certain extent how much He loved all of us. My eyes were welling up with tears, but I held them back as much as I could.

The gentleman was thankful that I had tried to share the gospel with him, and was amazed that even though we were strangers, I had cared so much about him to share my faith with him. He actually said that I had shown him unconditional love! I did not expect to hear that from him. I have never heard that before in my life. Indeed, it was God channelling His unconditional love to this gentleman through me to reach out to him. A demonstration of God’s unconditional love was what he needed.

Later, alone, I literally wept for this gentleman. I prayed for him that he may one day find the truth and receive the gift of eternal life from our Lord Jesus Christ.

As in the parable of the sower, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Matthew 13:9 NKJV.

Even though it was not time to reap, we should be faithful to sow and water, and trust God to complete the task through his power.

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