What a Wonderful Saviour

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What a Wonderful Saviour


I once was so lost
Groping in the dark

Blinded and veiled
Over my eyes and mind

But I now see clearly
Having Your Vision in me

I was saved by Your Mercy
O Your sacrifice so great

Your Body and Blood
So preciously given for me

That I may be forgiven
And live with You in eternity

Abiding in Your Grace
And Loving embrace

What a Wonderful Saviour
Jesus, You are to me


[18:25, 14/11/2016] S: 👍💖

[18:42, 14/11/2016] LFO: 👍

[18:53, 14/11/2016] CL: Amen

[08:18, 15/11/2016] LPS: Amen

[08:19, 15/11/2016] ‪E: Amen

[08:29, 15/11/2016] SY: Amen...

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