4 Poems Chosen for Top Picks by ChristArt, Inc,. USA!

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4 Poems Chosen for Top Picks by ChristArt, Inc,. USA!


I did not have the ability to write poems until 27/7/2016 when God gave me the first free poetry to write. On 20/9/2016, I wrote my first 2 poems that rhyme. All Glory to God!

I have a total of 7 poems published on ChristArt, Inc., USA at christart.com since September this year, 2016.

I have allowed the poems to be used within Christian ministries for any non-profit purpose without requesting permission from me.

The poems submitted and published in September are entitled:

1. The Son
2. What can I
3. Like No Other
4. God's Refining Skill
5. Reveal The Hope

The poems submitted and published in October are entitled:

1. Who Can Compare
2. Am I Able?

2 of the poems submitted in September had been selected for the Top Poem Picks by ChristArt, Inc,. USA. These were the first 2 poems which were written in rhyme.

Today, I noticed that the 2 poems that were submitted in October which were immediately published within hours upon submission have been chosen as Top Pick poems as well!

All Glory to God! Hallelujah!

These are the 4 Top Pick poems:

1. What can I
2. Like No Other
3. Who Can Compare
4. Am I Able?

What can I


What can I produce
With the work of my hands
If my Lord Jesus
Is not giving the commands

What can I deduce
With the thoughts of my mind
If my Lord Jesus
Is not there to define

What can I become
In this lifetime
If my Lord Jesus
Is not removing the grime

What can come out
Of my circumstance
If my Lord Jesus
Is not holding the stance

What can I aspire
To bring forth
If my Lord Jesus
Is not directing me north

What can I do
To save my life
If my Lord Jesus
Did not remove the strife

Like No Other


My dear Lord Jesus
The Master Creator
There is no other
Whose Rule is greater

The seas may rage
And the thunders roar
But with You, Lord
I will soar

My strength may fail
As I face war
But in You, Lord
I will go far

The world may hate
And make me fall
But through You, Lord
I will stand tall

My tears may fall
Like a large downpour
But for Your purpose
I will fight for

The heat may melt
The cold may freeze
But Your Love is felt
Like a soft warm breeze

My dear Lord God
Most Loving Father
Your Mercy and Grace
Is like no other

Who can compare


Can there be anyone
Who can compare
To the Father with
Such great a love to share

Can there be anyone
Who can compare
Whose Own Son
He did not spare

Can there be anyone
Who can compare
To Jesus the Holy Son
Our sins His shoulder bear

Can there be anything
That can compare
With such a loving way
To demonstrate His care

Can there be anything
That can compare
With such a Grace
To negate eternal despair

Am I able?


What am I able to do?
On my own indeed
Jesus, without You
There can be no deed

Am I able to see?
Without Your Eyes
There will definitely be
No vision in the skies

Blind with no goal
Nor direction to follow
Emptiness in the soul
Pouring tears of sorrow

Am I able to hear?
Without Your Voice
Nothing will be clear
To make the right choice

Am I able to think?
Without Your Wisdom
My mind would wander
In aimless boredom

Am I able to live?
Without Your Life
My heart would grieve
Heavy with strife

Am I able to breathe?
Without Your Breath
My breath would cease
And surely end in death

Am I able without You?
Most certainly not, Lord
For what can I do
On my own accord


[09:02, 16/11/2016] ‪D‬: 👍👍

[09:09, 16/11/2016] CLC: PTL!

[09:06, 16/11/2016] ‪WL‬: 👏 👏 👏 👏

[09:43, 16/11/2016] S: Praise The Lord. How wonderful. God Bless

[10:55, 16/11/2016] CT: All Glory to God, praise Him forevermore

[12:06, 16/11/2016] ASG: 👍👌✌

[09:13, 16/11/2016] DC: Congratulations from the bottom of my heart for the great gift of writing which the good Lord has bestowed upon you. Hallelujah!

[09:13, 16/11/2016] LFO: 👍God provides

[17:48, 16/11/2016] ASY: Congrats!

[12:31, 18/11/2016] EL: 🌈🌈🌈

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