More Increase! Hallelujah!

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More Increase! Hallelujah!


Daily Prayer Walk of Thanksgiving Week 12 Day 3 H*(the workplace):
Our Father in Heaven, Thank You for the Victory in the Name of Our Lord Jesus. We thank You for everything that You have done and for what is to come! We continue to follow You and live our lives in a manner pleasing to You. Hallelujah! In Jesus Name, Amen.
After the Prayer Walk today, I went for the Prayer Meet. The newly appointed staff were waiting there for their posting. The Lord brought to me 3 lovely newly appointed staff reporting to H*(the workplace). Praise the Lord! I invited them to join the Christian Fellowship, and asked them to invite all their friends and colleagues too. Before I left, I prayed a prayer of blessing over them. Hallelujah! All Glory to God!

Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord, for the increase!
We will need a bigger place, Lord. Thank you!
For those who have just joined us, here are the prayer and worship sessions in  H*(the workplace):

The Christian Fellowship (CF) Prayer & Worship sessions:
1.      Daily Prayer Walk of Thanksgiving around  H*(the workplace): 6.30am – 7 am
2.      Daily Prayer Meet,  H*(the workplace), at main block foyer beside cafeteria: 7 am – 7.30am
3.      Weekly Christian Fellowship Worship & Prayer in H*(the workplace) for  H*(the workplace), I*(neighbouring workplace), C*(neighbouring workplace): 12.30pm – 2.30pm every Friday, level 7 (The Lord has expanded the borders beyond H*(the workplace). Hallelujah!)

For those who have been added to the group after the sharing of the Message on the Vision from God, this is the vision that I saw for H*(the workplace) on 17/7/2016:

I saw the whole H*(the workplace) surrounded by a large FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT with JESUS standing above H*(the workplace) watching over it. Then, I saw that the current situation in H*(the workplace) is that there is hardly any fire but then I saw small scattered fires throughout H*(the workplace) and these need to be brought together to grow a BIGGER FIRE and GROW till widespread throughout H*(the workplace). The small scattered fires are individual believers in CHRIST with the HOLY SPIRIT in them that must be UNITED TOGETHER for it to spread everywhere. Then, I saw another vision that GOD is the SHEPHERD and we are the sheep. The sheep are all scattered and must be brought together in unity. Each believer has the fire within them. We have the HOLY SPIRIT in us. When we are united together, the FIRE will be BIG. Then, I saw FIRE coming down from the glorious Heaven raining onto H* that is surrounded by FIRE.
Since this Vision, I have faithfully done the Daily Prayer March around H*(the workplace). After 11 weeks of prayer march, the spiritual wall has fallen! Hallelujah!
This week I have started the Daily Prayer Walk of Thanksgiving Week 12, and today the Lord has brought increase! Hallelujah!
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 NKJV.
Now, the fire is bigger in H*(the workplace). We are now in the phase of the Power of the Lord coming down from the Glorious Heaven, raining and reigning over us. Hallelujah! All Glory to God in the Highest!
Let Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus Name, Amen. Hallelujah!

Today, I also had the privilege to invite a staff from I*(neighbouring workplace) to join us. Hallelujah!


[19:56, 07/10/2016] AR: Yes Thank You,Lord!..i was well informed by our HCF members the word of our God. Hope to see more members to come..its indeed encouraging.✝
[20:09, 07/10/2016] Marilyn: Praise the Lord!
[20:31, 07/10/2016] CLC: PTL!

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