Swelling Shrunken

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Swelling Shrunken


On 7/9/2016, I had sent out a prayer request for my health. I was having fever (viral, flu), and a growth on my body that was suddenly increasing in size. The next day I had severe neck pain.

The growth on my body was initially small when I first noticed it. I prayed and submitted it to God. It remained as it is until 6/9/2016 night, when I noticed that it had suddenly grown to about 4 times the initial size. It was painful at that time. It was not painful before.

I prayed to God. I had thought of surgically excising it but I heard the Lord say, Don't touch. I also noticed that as I examined it, it became bigger. So I refrained from touching it, and did not surgically remove it, in obedience to God.

The next night, the swelling shrunk by half the size and was less painful. Hallelujah!

The following day, there was no more pain. The size of the swelling remained the same.

Last night, the swelling had gone back to its initial size, with just a remnant of the growth left. Hallelujah!

Thank You, Lord for the healing!

Thanks for all your prayers! God bless all of you!


[07:05, 05/10/2016] CLC: PTL!

[07:26, 05/10/2016] CL: Praise God for HIS healing power.

[07:30, 05/10/2016] S: Amen

[07:52, 05/10/2016] ‪KCWO: Amen!

[11:43, 05/10/2016] ‪G‬: Amen

[13:34, 05/10/2016] EL: Praise God ! Hallelujah ! =D

[07:50, 05/10/2016] AL: 💪

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