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Daily Prayer March Week 6 Day 3:

Our Father in Heaven, thank You for Your protection over us and continue to guide us in every step of the way here in our workplace. Be with us in everything, Lord. We submit everything into Your Hands. Let our lives be pleasing to You. Do not allow us to be complacent with the things of the world and neglect the things above. Let our lives be a living testimony of the Work of Your doing. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I have received an email from our anointed brother in Christ that GOD has given a warning against complacency.

Get Rid of Complacency
22 Aug 2016
Coming to *(his workplace) early in the morning, The LORD speaks to me, “Look at your *(workplace). People are complacent to their living. They are poor in ME.”

Thank You, Lord, for the warning.

Please take heed of this warning eventhough it is not directly directed to us here in our workplace. However, I believe it is a lesson for us to learn and it is a kind pre-warning lesson so that we can change our ways.

Yes, we must not be complacent. We must fully submit and obey GOD.

Father, forgive us. We fully surrender our lives to You.

Daily Prayer March Week 6 Day 3:

During the prayer March today, as I approached the Department of *D, I was praying for evil to be cast out (a sister in Christ working in this department informed that there were some evil spiritual occurrence causing fear in her second boss), and GOD revealed to me that darkness cannot prevail where there is Light. Light overcomes darkness. There can be no darkness where there is Light. Jesus is the Light of the World. HE is with us. We are in the Light. Hallelujah! All Glory to GOD!

Press on! Pray! Worship GOD! Bring HIS Presence here in our workplace, and into your lives. Do not be complacent and poor in HIM. Repent and turn to HIM. Let HIS LIGHT overcome all.

Thank You, Lord, for Your Light, Your Bright Shining Glory. Hallelujah! All Glory to GOD in the Highest!


[07:46, 24/08/2016] CLC: D Light of God shine thru His ppl. Do x b afraid but b bold in d Lord. Gter is He in u than dt wch is in d world

[08:31, 24/08/2016] CT: Amen..
LUKE 10:19  Declare and claim  "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome ALL the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm us"  AMEN

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