Another poem published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!

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Another poem published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!


On 15/11/2016, I had written the poem entitled 'The Only Way' and submitted it to ChristArt, Inc., USA at

Today, the poem has been published!

This is the 8th poem published on ChristArt, Inc., USA!

I have allowed the poems to be used within Christian ministries for any non-profit purpose without requesting permission from me.

Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! All Glory to God!

The Only Way


What can I do
What can I say
For without You
I would sway

What can I do
What can I say
For without You
I would be in dismay

What can I do
What can I say
For without You
I've nothing to display

What can I do
What can I say
For without You
I would decay

What I can do
Is to say
That Jesus is Lord
And the only Way


[14:07, 20/11/2016] S: 👍👏👏God Bless u

ASG: Hmmmmmm keep  it up !!!!!

Note: This is the last part for my book entitled Journal of My Life with God. This book will be continued as Journal of My Life with God 2 (volume 2).

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