Poetry Book: Songs From My Heart To Jesus

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Poetry Book: Songs From My Heart To Jesus


I have published my Poetry Book on Wattpad today, entitled Songs From My Heart To Jesus, which was inspired by my life journey with My Lord Jesus Christ since 27/7/2016. There is a collection of 27 selected writings published in this book until 28/8/2016.

All Glory to God! Hallelujah!

This is the link for the published poetry book on Wattpad:



KH*: Dear Marilyn, your poem is the heart of Jesus, The Father's delight. May we sing the New Song from our hearts to Him. May we be the fragrance for His Pleasure. Yes LORD, our GOD. Amen.

Email response from KH:

Praise the LORD forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!
Your poetry is good. This is the New Song of the Heart.

May I cc to S*, he is the brother in K*(place).
He has great talent in music. S* perhaps you can find some talented person to write these into song.
And I myself gain anointing of messages from Marilyn poetry for New Song in my heart too.........

And may I cc also to F* and Brother W*. They are faithful follower of Lord Jesus.
Brother W* is newly elected as the chairman of CF M - S conference in M*(place) for year 2016. His permanent secretary is R*, his wife, also our dearest sister in Christ in M* GH.

May I also cc to strong team in S* GH. They have grown up much much much higher in Lord Jesus, as noticed by Sister LC, our spiritual umbrella and leader.

By the Grace of God, We are all chosen as the New Generation of Lord Jesus for our country. And we are so fortunate to have D* as our President  (for CF), who supervise over us for decades.

May God anoint all of us to bring down His Glory from Heaven.
Our Lord God is sitting on the Throne of Israel because Israel knows The Names of God who live forever and ever.
His Names are all in Lord Jesus, The Crucified Lamb.
Sincerely, KH

F: It is a great song

J: Good stuff, Marilyn

[00:38, 28/08/2016] CW: Praise the Lord. Good job, sis Marilyn.👍
[00:49, 28/08/2016] Marilyn: Thanks. All Glory to God.

Today, S* has added this book to his reading list.

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