Above and Beyond

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Above and Beyond


Lord Jesus,
You are
The Most High God

Greater than
Any and all

Throughout the
Whole universe

No ear has heard
No eye has seen

No soul has found
Any greater than You

Above and beyond
All measure

For You are
The Almighty

King of Kings
Lord of Lords

Creator of everything
Ruler of all

Above and beyond
All measure

Your Love and Grace

Unfailing Mercy
And Faithfulness

To all and
In all

Abiding within
Each soul

The tender
Nurture felt

Above and beyond
All comprehension

Your Wisdom and
Understanding astounds

Your Truth and
Spirit resounds

Your Love and
Grace abounds


[11:51, 05/09/2016] ‪MA‬: Good one, Marilyn

[12:37, 05/09/2016] ‪VT‬: Marilyn if you dunt mind may I forward the posts u write here in this group to people I know like friends or my mum?

[13:59, 05/09/2016] ‪BW‬: I'm pretty sure she won't mind V. It's a poem of comfort.

[14:06, 05/09/2016] ‪VT‬: Okay then I forward it to my mum and some friends who are non christians. Just to share with them. Tq for answering on behalf of Marilyn

[14:38, 05/09/2016] Marilyn: Sure, V, please share to anyone that you wish to share with. Thanks for sharing the Love of Christ. 💝

[14:47, 05/09/2016] ‪VT: Ok God bless

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