Prayer March Around the Workplace Day 1

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Prayer March Around the Workplace Day 1


[06:38, 18/07/2016]

The march around our workplace begins today. The spiritual wall will fall like the wall of Jericho. We will win the battle. Press on! Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Seek His Will.

[07:22, 18/07/2016]

The march for day 1 is done. The blood of Jesus Christ has surrounded this place. The Holy Spirit is at every place. Every heart has been submitted to our Lord Jesus. Healing will occur - spiritually and manifested physically. Pray for your clients. This is your opportunity. I have softened the ground for you. Trust and obey. Share the love of Jesus Christ. Do God's Will.

[07:27, 18/07/2016]

Praise the Lord! I have the opportunity to invite a fellow believer in Christ to join our Christian Fellowship just as soon as I complete the prayer March. I will be adding her into the group. Hallelujah!

All my sweat was worth it!

God bless all of you and have a fruitful day with the Lord. Amen.

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