Prayer for Healing

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Prayer for Healing


Daily Prayer March Week 11 Day 5 at the workplace, 6.30am:

Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done on earth as it is in Heaven. Hallelujah! In Jesus Name, Amen.
During the Prayer March on 30/9/2016, I received a request from one of our sister in Christ to pray for her church member who is diagnosed to have a growth in her abdomen at 6.36am. The request: Please uphold her in prayer that the Lord will heal her completely and grant her desire to visit the Holy Land of Israel and enrich her faith on 20/10/2016.  

She was in the surgical ward in the hospital.

Upon receiving the prayer request, I immediately prayed for her.

[06:42, 30/09/2016] Marilyn: In the Mighty Name of Jesus, MLSL* be healed and removed of your infirmity. Amen.

[06:44, 30/09/2016] Marilyn: Are you with her? Will she allow me to pray for in the ward?

[06:45, 30/09/2016] L: Not at the moment. I will inform her

[06:50, 30/09/2016] Marilyn: Noted. Tell her of my declaration prayer for her. Declare my prayer to her. If she is still not yet healed, then let me know. Thanks.

[06:57, 30/09/2016] Marilyn: It is already done for her by the Lord.

[06:58, 30/09/2016] L: PTL

After I had prayed for the patient, I perceived from the Lord that He has healed her and that she will go to the Holy Land.

[12:08, 30/09/2016] L: Hi Marilyn, just to update u regarding mdm L* in the ward. She has responded so well with the antibiotic given. The specialist told her kiv she be discharged in a few days time. Praise the Lord for His mercy n grace. She is looking forward for her Israel trip. Tqsm for your prayer.

Hallelujah! All Glory to God!

After the weekly Christian Fellowship worship and prayer during lunch time, I received a message from our sister in Christ that the patient would like me to pray for her in the hospital ward. I went to the ward and I invited two of our brothers in Christ from the Christian Fellowship to join me. They agreed to go.

At the ward, I met with an elderly lady. She was lying on the bed when I arrived and she sat up to speak with me. She was connected to an intravenous infusion.

She told me that she had received my prayer in the morning, and she had felt that the growth in her body was taken away and healed. The doctors had informed her that she had responded so well to the antibiotics during the ward rounds that morning.

She expressed her desire to be healed completely so that she can go to the Holy Land on 20/10/2016. The doctors informed her that she had a growth in her abdomen which could be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). The options were antibiotic therapy and if no response then surgical removal. She was concerned that if she had to go for surgery then her planned trip to the Holy Land would be disrupted.

She had requested for me to pray for her in the ward. So, I asked her, “What am I here for?” She replied, “To pray for me”. I told her that I had already prayed for her and the Lord had already done it for her, and she had also felt the Hand of God on her body. Furthermore, the doctors have also informed her that she was responding so well.

I said, “The Lord has already done it for you. Believe and Receive. It is already done for you.”

I could sense that she was struggling to believe. She still had doubt. She said, “I want to believe”.

I asked her, “What do you want from the Lord?” She replied, “I want complete healing.”

I said, “The Lord has already done it for you. Believe and Receive.” She replied, “I have to believe.”

I said, “No, not I want to believe or have to believe. We are not going to pray until you get it right. You need to believe and receive.”

She said, “I want complete healing. I want to go to the Holy Land. I will go to the Holy Land, and when I come back, then I will see.”

I informed her of my own miraculous healing from retinal detachment. She asked me if there was something that the doctors could have done for me. I said, “No.” The Lord had miraculously healed me.

Sensing her doubt for her own complete healing, I shared with her a lesson which I had learnt from the Lord that very morning.

The Lord had awaken me about 3 am that morning to spend time with me and teach me something. Indeed, it is something that I needed to use for this patient. I told her what I learnt this morning was indeed for her.

I shared with her that I had heard a pastor sharing about an incident when he was praying for a lady who was deaf in one ear. He had prayed for her and she fell to the ground by the Power of the Holy Spirit, but when she got up she still could not hear. He prayed for her a second time, and she fell to the ground by the Power of the Holy Spirit again, but when she got up she still could not hear. The pastor was wondering why she still could not hear even after the Holy Spirit had already done the work. He prayed for her a third time, and she fell to the ground by the Power of the Holy Spirit again, and while she was on the ground, the pastor noticed that her lips were moving. She kept saying, “Please heal me, please heal me, please heal me, ………..”. When she finally stopped speaking, she heard the Lord say to her, “Why are you begging me for something that I have already done for you?”

I asked her again, “What do you want from the Lord?” She replied, “I want complete healing.”

So I asked her, “If you want complete healing, then why is there a need to come back and see what treatment needs to be done when the healing is already complete?”

She understood, and I could sense her faith increasing.

We prayed. After the prayer I gave her a hug, and told her that Jesus loves her. She felt the love of Jesus, with her eyes almost tearing. Before I left, I told her, “No more asking, no more doubting. Give thanks. Praise and Worship.” I repeated again, “Give thanks. Praise and worship.” She smiled, and I could sense the peace in her. Hallelujah!

As we were leaving, one of our brother in Christ, said, “I learnt something today. I realized that many people cannot get their breakthrough because they have a backup, i.e. if they are not healed then they still have chemotherapy.”

I replied, “Yes, that is why I did not allow her to have an option. It is either black or white, and nothing in between. Jesus said that we are either hot or cold, for if we are lukewarm, then He will spit us out".

Revelation 3:15-16 New Living Translation (NLT)

15 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!

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