Prayer and Fast

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Prayer and Fast


Christian Fellowship prayer and fast, 1030H - 1300H:

The presence of the Lord was with us. As we prayed, the Lord revealed several visions.

The country:

The prayers and tears of the people reach the Lord. When the people repent and turn to God, and place their focus on God, there will be peace, and the hedge of protection from God protects us. Then, there is a flowing river running through, and fire rising forth.

The world:

Numerous prayer altars are set up in every country and nation. The prayers reach out as fire to the surrounding areas. The Blood of Jesus covers the entire world. God's power comes down from Heaven and spreads over the entire world.

Leaders of Christian Fellowship:

The bright shining Glory of the Lord is shining vertically down from Heaven onto each and every leader throughout the world.

A sister in Christ, L:

Crowned and mantled.

Young generation:

A multitude released and running to God in repentance, and ready to serve God.


[10:01, 13/11/2016] CLC: Tq 4 d sharing n encouragement. I felt d peace n assurance of d Lord dt He hs heard our cries n it's time 4 revival! Press on in prayers!

[10:08, 13/11/2016] CLC: Personally I felt a breakthrough in our prayers s with tears we cried out 2 Him. I felt His peace n assurance dt He hs heard n recd our prayers. It's time 4 revival! Let us redeem d time we are living in. No time for complacency but rise up s d army of God, s salt n light 2 extend His Lordship. Take d field 4 d Lord Jesus! It begins with His Lordship over our lives b4 we see His Lordship over d field.

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