Prayer request

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A sister in Christ requests for prayer for her recent illness in the midst of traveling abroad and doing God's Work.

This is my prayer for her:

[17:37, 12/10/2016] Marilyn: Our Heavenly Father, thank You for taking good care of my beloved sister LC. I pray for protection and restoration of health and physical strength to her to complete Your Work. Strengthen and increase her spiritual strength to overcome all adversities. All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. I pray for the authority of Jesus to be upon her and the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to cover over her. All will be well in the name of Jesus. We know that no weapon formed against her will prosper, for the Lord our God is Mighty and is with her wherever she goes and in whatever she does. I pray that she keeps her focus on You, Jesus, and press on towards Your Will, Plan, and Purpose. I pray that she continues to trust You, Lord, no matter what the circumstances. Let all be smooth sailing as she goes boldly in Your Love to advance Your Kingdom. All Glory to God in the Highest. Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


[17:42, 12/10/2016] LC: Amen! I sh x b deterred by d enemy 4 ds is x d 1st time I encounter such but wil nd reinforcements thru His ppl. 2geder we engage in d spiritual warfare in His victory n strength. D Captain of d Hosts is none other than our Lord Jesus. D enemy is but His footstool n He hs won d victory when He arose!

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