Wonderful breakthroughs!

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Wonderful breakthroughs!



The Lord is Mighty and Great! All Glory to God!!!

Today, we had our weekly Christian Fellowship (CF) Worship & Prayer Meeting in our workplace. God is with us. Thank You, Jesus.

Before the meeting, I was praying and worshiping God. Then, when more arrived, we had our opening prayer of submission to the Lord followed by worship, and offering our lives to the Lord with the worship song, 'Lord, I offer my life to You'.

Then, we had sharing of testimonies and thanksgiving to our Lord. O Hallelujah!!! There were so many testimonies of breakthrough, answered prayers, changed hearts and lives, and miracles in the lives of the CF attendees, and overflowing to their families. I am also rejoicing because more and more are reaching out to invite people to CF. O how wonderful is Your Work, Lord. All Glory to You in the Highest!!!

You are so amazing, Lord. Thank You so much for Your Grace and Love!!!

After the sharing of testimonies and thanksgiving, we had sharing of the Word of God. Thank You, Lord for Your teaching. Yes, Lord, we will overcome all trials by abiding in You. Thank You, Jesus.

Then, we had sharing of prayer requests, and challenges faced in life, with a good sharing and discussion on handling them with God from each and everyone's experiences in their journey with God.

We then proceeded to pray for one another in small groups. I prayed for our brother. As I prayed for our brother to have a closer relationship with God, and that he may hear the Heart Beat of Jesus and follow His Rhythm, I felt the Love of God for him, and I was overwhelmed and could not speak further but to thank Jesus for His Love. Thank You, Jesus, for loving us.

O Hallelujah! We had a wonderful time with our Lord! Thank You, Father, for being with us. We love You so much.

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