Salvation, Revival, and Resurrection of the Body of Christ

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Salvation, Revival, and Resurrection of the Body of Christ


Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church.

The church is the Body of Christ.

On the first day, we die and are saved.

We receive salvation from the Lord.

We are forgiven and receive the Righteousness of Christ.

On the second day, we are revived from death.

We receive revival from the Lord.

Our spirit is made into a new creation in Christ.

On the third day, we are resurrected.

We receive resurrection power from the Lord.

We receive the keys of the Kingdom to live in the Kingdom Glory on earth as in Heaven and do mighty works through the Holy Spirit.

Hallelujah! All Glory to God!

Beware of not remaining in day 1, there is salvation but no revival in the church.

Beware of not remaining in day 2, there is revival but no resurrection power in the church doing the mighty works of God.

We must enter into day 3, and use the resurrection power given to us from the Lord to carry out His Mighty Works.

For the body of Christ to fully fulfill the works of the Lord, we must die, be revived, and resurrected in the Lord.


KH : Amen!!!!!!! Halleluiah!!!!!!!!!!!

[20:59, 14/11/2016] S: AMEN

[08:18, 15/11/2016] LPS: Amen

[08:19, 15/11/2016] ‪E: Amen

[08:29, 15/11/2016] SY: Amen...

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