Message from GOD

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15/7/2016 - 17/7/2016

Message from GOD
On 15/7/2016, the Christian Fellowship at my workplace had the great opportunity to receive the reunion with a fellow anointed brother in Christ. This brother was indeed a timely messenger from GOD.
I have been having a burden to bring the spiritual situation in my workplace to a higher level and that we would all be closer and deeper in our relationship to GOD. Ever since I had listened and obeyed GOD to lead the Christian Fellowship at my workplace in order to sustain it and not allowing it to dissipate, I have struggled to bring it to grow in numbers but I thank GOD that we have grown deeper in CHRIST instead. I must admit that I was fearful to accept the task of leading the Christian Fellowship at my workplace, and initially did not do so. However, I thank GOD for HIS Grace and Mercy for allowing time for me to accept the task. I did not feel equipped or adequate to do so, but I fully accepted the task because I fully depended on GOD to lead. HE is the SHEPHERD and we are the sheep. Therefore, it is HIS Ministry and not mine. It is for HIS WILL, PLAN, AND PURPOSE, not mine. I faithfully bring forth GOD’S WORD, by GOD’S LEADING, weekly.
On 15/7/2016, at the Christian Fellowship meeting, our fellow brother spoke of humbly praying before GOD on our knees for GOD’S WORK and fighting from the glorious Heaven. Miracles will happen because it is GOD’S POWER at work. As he was sharing, I felt the presence of the LORD, there with us. I was trembling and shedding tears. I could hardly write properly taking down GOD’S message due to the trembling. God’s Word and message was piercing through my heart. It is time to step up to the next level of faith. It is time to break all unbelief that is holding us back.
After the sharing, we prayed on our knees before the LORD, and as soon as I was on my knees, I was trembling even more so and weeping. Our anointed brother blessed me with his anointing, 10 times of his portion, upon GOD’S instruction. After this, the trembling and weeping persisted for a while, and then there was ABSOLUTE PEACE. THE PEACE OF GOD & THE PEACE IN GOD was what I felt, THE PRESENCE OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE HIMSELF. It was so still, so calm, so peaceful, beyond my understanding. When we abide in CHRIST it is so peaceful because CHRIST has ALL the AUTHORITY and GOD IS SOVEREIGN. All chaos is brought under HIS CONTROL. EVERYTHING IS IN HIS HANDS & IN HIS CONTROL represented by the ABSOLUTE PEACE that I felt.
After the prayer, I saw a vision that the whole workplace was surrounded by a large FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT with JESUS standing above the workplace watching over it.
The next day, on 16/7/2016, during my morning devotion, I am still in wonder of what I need to do and meditating on God’s message and vision – searching for answers from GOD’S Word. I still did not understand why I was chosen but I know that I need to obey. At night, during my night devotion, GOD confirmed again the message that we MUST FIGHT OUR BATTLES ON OUR KNEES & WE WILL HAVE VICTORY EVERYTIME. WE MUST HUMBLE OURSELVES BEFORE THE LORD FOR THE POWER TO WORK!
Today, 17/7/2016, in the morning, thinking about GOD’s Plan, I saw again the vision of my workplace surrounded by the FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT & JESUS watching over it. Then, I saw that the current situation in my workplace is that there is hardly any fire but then I saw small scattered fires throughout the workplace and these need to be brought together to grow a BIGGER FIRE and GROW till widespread throughout the workplace. The small scattered fires are individual believers in CHRIST with the HOLY SPIRIT in them that must be UNITED TOGETHER for it to spread everywhere. Then, I saw another vision that GOD is the SHEPHERD and we are the sheep. The sheep are all scattered and must be brought together in unity. Each believer has the fire within them. We have the HOLY SPIRIT in us. When we are united together, the FIRE will be BIG. Then, I saw FIRE coming down from the glorious Heaven raining onto the workplace that is surrounded by FIRE.
GOD revealed to me that I need to INTERCEDE & PRAY daily for the workplace with every step that I take there. The ground is hard. It must be softened. I will obey GOD by praying for my workplace when I walk around it. I will make time every morning to walk around my workplace before work and pray for the place and everyone in it. I will pray for the raining of FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT upon our workplace and bringing together of the scattered fire. I will pray for new sparks of FIRE to come forth. I will faithfully do this. I hope all of you will join me in interceding for our workplace wherever you are and by GOD’S leading. So GOD has shown me what to do for now.
Then, during my devotion, GOD led me to 1 Corinthians 1:2-31 & 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 and provided me with answers for some of my other questions. I did not understand why I was chosen. I was not capable. I was not ready. But I know now that the TIME has come to go to the next level. It is time to ACT. GOD has sent His messenger in person and has given His message & command through vision & His written Word. I must obey. When I read 1 Corinthians 1:2-31 & 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, GOD revealed a lot to me and I am certain that we must OBEY, BELIEVE & TRUST GOD no matter what the circumstances keeping our FOCUS ON JESUS.
GOD also led me to 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. My current latest affliction that has been going on since June is nerve compression at the cervical spine (neck) causing my whole left upper limb being numb with pins and needles, reduced sensation and shooting electric pain. I have asked for healing but am not yet healed. But I know that I will be made whole again whether now or later in glorious Heaven. It does not matter when. Time is not the same with GOD. I accept His perfect plan and sovereign will for my life. There is an urgency to act. GOD has given the command. I do not know if paralysis will occur but I know that this is only physically. Spiritually, nothing can paralyse GOD’S POWER AND WILL. I will do what I can but I plead to all of you to rise up and take up the cross of CHRIST. It is time. It is urgent. GOD wants to send HIS HOLY SPIRIT powerfully onto us in our workplace. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. GOD WILL USE OUR WEAKNESS. HIS POWER IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS. DO NOT FEAR FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD IS WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO. JESUS HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD.
Please pray for me. I am fighting a spiritual battle. I am being shot by fiery darts from Satan into my mind to distract me from GOD’s plan. Pray that I will overcome this and bring the vision that GOD has shown me to come to pass.
All honour and glory to GOD!
Our Heavenly Father,
What we know not, teach us.
What we have not, give us.
What we are not, make us.
Thank you, JESUS.
In the name of JESUS we humbly pray for your honour and glory, AMEN.
This is an excerpt from an email sent to me from our brother in Christ upon returning home by flight:
15 Jul 2016 
I have golden opportunity to join the Christian group. Though having no regular meeting place, the people in the group have gone deep into the Heart of JESUS, especially the leading sister. She is anointed with firmness of focus in Lord JESUS. I obey the voice of GOD and impart my anointing to her further with 10 times of mine. Indeed we need to multiply our anointing among one another.
Anyway, there is a key thing. We must be willing to anoint and bless others. And we must be willing to bless others to be better than us. And I have done so to bless my junior colleague in my own hospital to be better than me. Let HIM increase and I decrease. Let our Lord JESUS prevails. Amen!!!
And we can only anoint by the instruction of Holy Spirit. We can only do anything by the instruction of Holy Spirit. As I write this passage, The LORD tells me, “You can only impart the anointing upon My Instruction. Many people’s thought are worldly and they are not yet ready. They have to sanctify themselves, purify their heart. They need to come to ME and seek ME first before any other thing. I have shown you the thing in Heaven. Many of the things in Heaven is My Plan for all of you. However many have not listened to me. They are still in the worldly bondage. They are bound by the thought of the worldly church regulation, doctrines, worldly attractions, worldly lust, and greediness. They do not seek after My Heart. Though My Plan for them in Heaven is to prosper and be rewarded but they have not let go of their earthly thing and come after ME full heartedly.”
Holy Spirit wants us to have the Heart of JESUS. We need to have the Heart of JESUS, then the anointing will be and persist. We must continuously walk in the Light of GOD.
To everyone in the Christian Fellowship group, please pray for our workplace and the Christian Fellowhip. We need it. Thanks.


[18:45, 17/07/2016] YSL: Thanks for sharing, Marilyn. God has granted you an anointing indeed to intercede for H*(workplace). You are a prayer warrior for Christ! Thank you for keeping the fort strong. You are put in H* for a purpose indeed. hope to catch up soon and will keep H* in prayers indeed. God bless!

[18:45, 17/07/2016] Marilyn: Thanks, SL

[18:46, 17/07/2016] ‪YM‬: 👍🏻👆🏻👍🏻

[18:47, 17/07/2016] LPS: Will remember H* in prayer
[18:52, 17/07/2016] Marilyn: Thanks, L

[18:57, 17/07/2016] Celine: Dear Marilyn, CT* here ..we have not met (or have we?)but used to join H* CF before I retire... tq for sharing such an encouraging and timely msg and vision from God for H*.  Yes God is moving mightily and it is unity of hearts, broken and contrite hearts and praying on our knees for us to intercede for transformation and revival in our nation too.. Will uphold H* and H* CF in prayer ..tq S* for keeping me in this chat grp, so so encouraging to read what God is doing in H* CF..God's blessings to everyone.

[18:58, 17/07/2016] Marilyn: Thanks, C*

[19:04, 17/07/2016] JT: Do you have specific time and place to pray in the morning at H*? Thanks for the timely reminder and sharing. I might not able to walk and pray with you but i can meet u somewhere in your prayer route to pray tgt. Will message u when i can make it. Keep it up!

[19:39, 17/07/2016] TLT: Sis Marilyn, I start work at 8 am. Usually I will pray in my car first before I start work. I can take up to pray for *(list of departments)

[19:40, 17/07/2016] Marilyn: Great, LT. Thanks.

[19:42, 17/07/2016] TLT: U r most welcome sis. Thank you sis Marylin for the initiative to pray for H*. Hope we can encourage and remind each other to pray for H*.

[19:42, 17/07/2016] ET: I will pray for the UN* block
[19:43, 17/07/2016] Marilyn: Thanks, E

[19:44, 17/07/2016] CLC: PTL! I m so glad 2 hear what d Lord is doing. When d Lord laid on my heart 2 focus on H*, I did it 4 ab a yr. Dn I mv on 2 SBH*. D Lord already hs His eyes on H* n He hs already prep d groundwork. B involved in what d Lord is doing n x b left out but ride on d wave of what His Spirit is doing.

[19:45, 17/07/2016] Marilyn: Thanks, sis LC

[19:45, 17/07/2016] CLC: When His ppl unite 2 pray, we sh c His anointing.
[19:45, 17/07/2016] Marilyn: Amen

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