Mighty God: Sharing of Past Miracles & Arrows piercing hearts

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Mighty God: Sharing of Past Miracles


Prayer March Week 4 Day 1, 6.30am:

I continue to pray around my workplace.

Come, Lord Jesus
Reign over us
Our Sovereign Lord
Take over
Come, Holy Spirit
Let Your Fire
Fall on us
Fire us up
For Your Will

Daily Prayer Meet Week 1 Day 1, 7am:

I pray with our brother, for our workplace and for God's guidance. Our brother has a heart and desire to serve the Lord, and I prayed to the Lord to anoint and bless our brother with a further 10 times of my portion of anointing, and that he may become the person God had planned for him to be, and for God's Will to be done in his life.

I had also asked our brother to pray for my healing. He asked me after the prayer if I was healed. I replied, "Soon". We both desire to see God's miraculous power of healing. I shared with him that we must pray for our customers, and submit everything that we do for them to our Lord. I shared my previous miraculous experiences with him, and told him the miracles may not be how we expect them to be. But, God will intervene in HIS Way when we submit it to HIM. 

Arrows piercing hearts


This morning, 10/8/2016, as I prayed around my workplace during the daily morning prayer march, I see a multitude of arrows shooting out as I prayed.

As I continued to pray and submit my workplace to our Lord God Almighty, I see the arrows piercing the hearts of the people in my workplace.

After completing the prayer march, we had the daily prayer meet. Thank you, Lord, for the time of sharing and prayer this morning, a much needed time with You, indeed.

Following the daily prayer meet, I went to attend the weekly teaching session. Today, it is the annual CPD award event. During the opening for the event, I prayed to our Lord God Almighty, and I saw the arrows shooting out again, and then more and more arrows, and then there were flaming arrows, and then it was just full of arrows of Fire in the background of darkness, spiritually powered arrows. By that time, all I could say was the Name of our Lord Jesus, over and over again.

All Glory to God! The Lord reigns over all! Hallelujah!

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