Taken Away to Lift Up

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Taken Away to Lift Up


Taken Away to Lift Up

At 7.30am yesterday, 11/11/2016, I received a request to be a facilitator for the group discussion at the young working adult bible study for church that night. I agreed.

At the end of the bible study group discussion, I asked them whether they had any concern at work to pray for as their prayer request. Some of the young working adults mentioned that they were in a situation where the senior person guiding them along was now taken away from them and they had to handle the job on their own.

I recalled my own experience in my working life and spiritual life, and encouraged them with what I had learnt from the experience.

I told them that God places people with us to push us forward, and later He takes them away to lift us up.

I realised that when we need help, God will provide us with help. Later, He will remove the aid from us, despite our inadequacies, so that we can step up into the next level of our destiny, and learn more by taking over the task by ourselves, and be lifted up further to do greater things for God, by fully depending on Him, and giving Him the Glory.

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