More Poetry Published by ChristArt, USA!

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More Poetry Published by ChristArt, USA!


I have submitted 6 poems to this website, ChristArt, Inc., USA at in September, and 5 have been published!

I have allowed the poems to be used within Christian ministries for any non-profit purpose without requesting permission from me.

The poems that are published are entitled:
1. The Son
2. What can I
3. Like No Other
4. God's Refining Skill
5. Reveal The Hope

All Glory to God! Hallelujah!

These are the published poems:

The Son


Walk to the Light
The Bright Shining One
Standing right in sight
Behold, He is the Son

Such beauty and wonder
From near to yonder
No other can ponder
All the Son's splendour

Will you allow
Yourself to delight
In the shadow
Of the Son's plight

Do you believe
That you may receive
Forgiveness and peace
His Righteousness appease

There is no other
Who can gather
The flock together
Towards the Father

Only in Him
The Glorious Son
To dwell within
And be as one

Who is this One
Amazing Son
None other than Jesus
The Holy Son

What can I


What can I produce
With the work of my hands
If my Lord Jesus
Is not giving the commands

What can I deduce
With the thoughts of my mind
If my Lord Jesus
Is not there to define

What can I become
In this lifetime
If my Lord Jesus
Is not removing the grime

What can come out
Of my circumstance
If my Lord Jesus
Is not holding the stance

What can I aspire
To bring forth
If my Lord Jesus
Is not directing me north

What can I do
To save my life
If my Lord Jesus
Did not remove the strife

Like No Other


My dear Lord Jesus
The Master Creator
There is no other
Whose Rule is greater

The seas may rage
And the thunders roar
But with You, Lord
I will soar

My strength may fail
As I face war
But in You, Lord
I will go far

The world may hate
And make me fall
But through You, Lord
I will stand tall

My tears may fall
Like a large downpour
But for Your purpose
I will fight for

The heat may melt
The cold may freeze
But Your Love is felt
Like a soft warm breeze

My dear Lord God
Most Loving Father
Your Mercy and Grace
Is like no other

God's Refining Skill


The storm has come
With the high tide
Tossing and turning
With no where to hide

The heat of the desert
Is rising within
Melting my heart
Changing the scene

Destroying the pride
Clearing the sin
Humbling my soul
Purifying within

He directs me north
As the cloud clears
That I may go forth
Overcoming my fears

Building my spirit
In line with His Will
Grateful am I for
God's refining skill

Reveal the Hope


Where is the hope?
When does it come by?
Can it be found
By those who cry?

Will they ever find
The hope of life
If it is not revealed
To those in strife

Does silence ever find
Its way into the lives
Of those who seek to find
The hope for their lives

Will you be the salt and light
For Jesus to be revealed
In those whose plight
Is to unveil the concealed

Let your light so shine
That it may reveal the hope
In Christ Jesus to the lives
Who seek and grope

Be the one who picks up
The fallen and lost
Directing their path
To what they hope most


[18:02, 04/10/2016] CLC: PTL!

[18:04, 04/10/2016] AL: Great ! Praise God !

[18:10, 04/10/2016] MM: 👍All Glory To Jesus

[18:44, 04/10/2016] ‪WL‬: 👏👏👏👏

[18:44, 04/10/2016] ‪JC‬: 👍

[19:06, 04/10/2016] TLC: Congratulations!

[19:39, 04/10/2016] AGS: Thanks. Keep up the poem writing.  ✌👍👌

[20:29, 04/10/2016] P: 💪💪💪💪

[20:53, 04/10/2016] ‪FO: Hi, Wanna say thanks for everything you've posted that have encouraged me along the way. Keep testifying to our God's amazing good work!

[21:03, 04/10/2016] ASY: Wah , so many

[12:54, 05/10/2016] DC: The Lord has truly blessed you with gifts of healing the sick, writing and a good voice to sing His grace! May all His blessings be on you always.

[13:00, 05/10/2016] Marilyn: Amen. All Glory to God! Hallelujah!

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