Eyes healed!

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Eyes healed!


After I wrote and made an audio recording of the the song to Jesus entitled I am here, I shared the song with my friends.

Song: I am here

Audio recording attached.


My Dearest Jesus
I am here to see You

My Lovely Jesus
I am here to praise You

O My Awesome Jesus
I am here to worship You

O My Wonderful Jesus
I am here for You

Suddenly, I saw flashes of distorted light obscuring my vision in both eyes. It is a sign of retinal detachment.

I immediately prayed and sent out requests for my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for me.

Thanks for all the prayers!

I recalled what the Lord had spoken to me when my eyes were deteriorating with increased number of floaters occurring in my right eye and new floaters in my left eye on 25/7/2016. He said, Trust Me.

So, I declared back to the Lord, that He told me to trust Him, and I declared to Him that I trust Him. Immediately, I laughed in the Joy of the Lord, and I noticed that I was healed! Immediately, I praised the Lord and thanked Him. Then, I informed all of you of the healing, and continued to praise and worship Him last night.

This is the 3rd occurrence of retinal detachment. The Lord has healed me miraculously each time. This time I was healed in 19 minutes. Hallelujah! All glory to God!

These are my previous testimonies of the 1st and 2nd miraculous healing:

Give Glory to God - Give Him All the Glory


Today, in the afternoon, I noticed some floaters in my left eye, and some new floaters in my right eye. I am being warned that my eyes are deteriorating. Previously, all my symptoms were only in the right eye. But today, I noticed some in the left eye. I thank the Lord that there are no flashes of light this time.

Upon seeing the floaters, I recall 2 incidences of miraculous healing of my right eye. I am writing this because I did not share about this to others except to my leaders who prayed for me.

I realised that I need to give MORE GLORY TO GOD for WHO HE IS and WHAT HE HAS DONE. I do not know what will happen after this. I may no longer be able to write these testimonies when I am blind or paralysed due to my nerve compression at the spine. So I must do what I can, when I can still do it. Time is not on our side. Much work needs to be done. The harvest is plenty but the workers are few.

I know that the Power of the LORD can never be paralysed by anything, and I will continue to serve the Lord in whatever circumstances He places me in. I am not letting go of my Lord Jesus. He is all I have to hold onto.

These are the 2 miraculous healings from the LORD:

Eye incident 16.8.2015:

On my way home from work on 16.8.2015, I noticed that there were flashes of light in my right eye.

I suddenly had some problem with the vision in my right eye. It was the first time I had this problem. There was an odd light in my vision, some sort of distorted light that kept flashing & would not go away. I knew it was a bad sign. It is a sign of retinal detachment. If my retinal layer is detached, I would be blind.

In 2004, I had this fear when there was something dark floating in my right eye. I was a  student then. The ophthalmologist checked my eye and confirmed that a tiny part of my retina had detached and was floating around in my eye. This is called a floater. I had 1 fairly large floater. There was a possibility that in the future my retina would detach causing more floaters and flashes of light, signifying that the retinal layer is detaching massively and I would be blind. The risk is high because she saw that the retinal layer was stretched in both eyes as my eyes were not round but oval in shape.

11 years later, the flashes of light occurred. The chances of me losing my vision was high. I was worried. I prayed to God for healing, and thankfully God has removed the flashes of light after about an hour. There was no increase in floaters either. Just that 1 floater from 11 years ago. God had protected my vision. This was a miracle from our Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!

Eye incident 28/3/2016:

About 6 months after the first episode of flashes of light, I experienced my 2nd episode of flashes of light. There were no new floaters. This time the flashes of light occurred around ~1.45pm in the afternoon, at my workplace. I prayed and requested for my leaders to pray for me as well. The flashes of light continued but I had to return back to work at 2pm. I still hoped for healing from the Lord, but I know that even if I became blind and He did not heal me, He would still be my Lord, and I will continue to follow Him.

So, I continued doing my work with my right eye vision like a distorted image, and after completion of my immediate task at hand, I was healed by the Lord ~2 hours after the occurrence. Yet again, our wonderful Lord is merciful to heal! This was yet another miracle from our Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!



[20:18, 25/09/2016] Marilyn: Dear all, I am having retinal detachment of both my eyes now. Have flashes of light and distorted vision. Please pray for me. Thanks.

[20:18, 25/09/2016] YSL: Marilyn, where are you? Do you need me to come get you and send you to hospital?

[20:18, 25/09/2016] Marilyn: We wait for the Lord first
[20:19, 25/09/2016] Marilyn: I am at home

[20:37, 25/09/2016] Marilyn: Healed! Healed in 19 minutes. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! All Glory to God!

[05:20, 26/09/2016] Marilyn: Thanks for all the prayers 💝

[07:12, 26/09/2016] ‪SH: Praise and glory to our Lord! He is above all that the enemy plans or does, Marilyn. Till your work is done, no threat can stop the Lord giving you victory! Hallelujah!

[07:13, 26/09/2016] Marilyn: Amen. Hallelujah! All Honour and Glory to our Lord God Almighty!

[07:25, 26/09/2016] ‪SCW: Who is like the Lord our God who is mighty to save and heal!

[07:27, 26/09/2016] Marilyn: Amen!

[07:26, 26/09/2016] ‪JC‬: Praise the Lord

[05:13, 26/09/2016] Marilyn: Thanks for the prayers, G. God bless you 💝

[08:03, 26/09/2016] ‪G‬: God has a calling on your life Marilyn. Continue to sing new songs to him, write books for it is a blessing to give than to receive

[08:45, 26/09/2016] Marilyn: I have written books and published on Wattpad (3 books)

[14:37, 26/09/2016] ‪Ky: Praise the Lord, this is encouraging! 👊 👊

[08:26, 26/09/2016] Elder KC: Wow ... Praise God for your healing Marilyn ... You are an example of keeping a good journal ... Praying for a full healing for you!

[08:43, 26/09/2016] Marilyn: Thanks, Elder KC.

[09:00, 26/09/2016] ‪AA‬: Praise God. Great testimony Marilyn. Like your perseverance & unrelenting faith

[09:04, 26/09/2016] Marilyn: Thanks, A. 💝
All Glory to God. He is Good.

[23:47, 26/09/2016] ‪Kelvin: Hi Marilyn, this is kelvin from church. I've been reading your stories about your eye retinal detachment and it's so encouraging to see how God healed you at each and every time‬ :)

[05:12, 27/09/2016] Marilyn: Thanks, Kelvin. God is good. All Glory to God! Hallelujah!

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