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Poetry for my dear Fion, sister in Christ, with love from Marilyn, written on 3/9/2016.

My dear sister is leaving
Fion is her name
Abroad she is flying
To Germany for studies

The host of
Our church she is
The gentle
Welcoming heart

I shall miss
The beautiful smile
Her face displays
Each week

Shining forth
The love of Christ
Displaying the
Heart of Jesus

I shall await her return
Adorned with success
Masters achieved
Sealed in her hand

May the Lord bless
The work of her hands
Glorying our Lord
In all that she stands


[20:11, 26/09/2016] Marilyn: Going to miss you, Fion. God bless you. 💝

[20:22, 26/09/2016] ‪Fion: Wow Marilyn, thank you!❤

[20:22, 26/09/2016] ‪+60 12-639 7151‬: God bless you too :)

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