Fan the Flames

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Fan the Flames


Daily Prayer March Week 6 Day 1

Our Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord, for going before us and being with us in every step of the way here in our workplace. Let Your Presence be so strong here and bring every single life to You, staff and customer, and relatives, and whoever steps foot in our workplace. Let every knee bow down to You and call You LORD. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Today, during the prayer march, as I approached the main block, I prayed for GOD to send the Fire of GOD to be in our workplace, I saw some new flames of fire arising from a previous background of no fire. Thank You, Lord, for the Fire. Yes, we need to continue praying. Fan the flames. We must continue to focus on JESUS and we will come to the place of fully surrounded by the FIRE OF GOD, as HE has shown me in the first vision in July.


For those who have been added to the group after the sharing of the message on the vision, this is the vision that I saw for our workplace on 17/7/2016:

I saw the whole workplace surrounded by a large FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT with JESUS standing above watching over it. Then, I saw that the current situation in the workplace is that there is hardly any fire but then I saw small scattered fires throughout it and these need to be brought together to grow a BIGGER FIRE and GROW till widespread throughout the workplace. The small scattered fires are individual believers in CHRIST with the HOLY SPIRIT in them that must be UNITED TOGETHER for it to spread everywhere. Then, I saw another vision that GOD is the SHEPHERD and we are the sheep. The sheep are all scattered and must be brought together in unity. Each believer has the fire within them. We have the HOLY SPIRIT in us. When we are united together, the FIRE will be BIG. Then, I saw FIRE coming down from the glorious Heaven raining onto the workplace that is surrounded by FIRE.

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