Presence of God

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Presence of God


O What a Wonderful Day!

From this morning until our weekly Christian Fellowship Worship and Prayer session, the Presence of our Lord God is so evident. I am overjoyed by HIS JOY in me and HIS constant Guidance and Presence. O Thank You, Holy Spirit.

We started CF today at 12.30pm. Previously, we allocated 1 hour to our Lord for CF. However, I believe we must spend more time with our Lord in Worship, Prayer and His Word. So, we have doubled it to 2 hours.

The Presence of the Lord was overwhelming in CF. I was trembling in His Presence. After our prayer of submission to the Lord, we proceeded to Praise and Worship. During worship, I was tearing. Following the Praise and Worship, we had a time of sharing and giving thanks to our Lord for what He has done for us in the past week. The time of learning His Word was indeed fruitful. We learned a lot from Our Lord today through His Word and the sharing of experiences with one another. God revealed His Wisdom to me as I shared His Word. Prayer time with one another was another great experience with the Lord. As I prayed for our brother, I learned how to pray while being guided by the Holy Spirit and listening to the Voice of God and understanding His Thoughts and Love for us and the person I am praying for. After the prayer, we continued to praise and worship our Lord and end with prayer of thanks to our Lord.

Before we dismissed, I prayed for our sister who will be leaving us to another workplace in January next year. I prayed for the Lord's anointing and blessing upon her life to carry out the Lord's plan. I prayed for her to receive the Power, Strength, and Wisdom from the Lord to start a Christian Fellowship at her workplace, and advance His Kingdom. I prayed that she also be blessed by a transfer of my anointing from the Lord to her with a further 10 times of my portion.

After the CF, I had the privilege to listen to our sister from the neighbouring workplace, about her composition for a song of worship to our Lord. Indeed, the Lord had inspired such a beautiful and wonderful composition. My spirit was touched by the wonder of our Lord. She also shared with me that she will use some of the song lyrics that I have written by the inspiration of our Lord and compose the music for songs of worship to our Lord. O Hallelujah! All Glory to our Lord. May You use this for Your Glory, Lord.

When I returned to my office, I received a call from another of our sister who had to leave early. She shared with me her concerns and prayer requests. Thank You, Lord for giving me the privilege to serve and love Your children.

As I continued with my work in the afternoon, I continued to be in the Presence of the Lord. O Thank You, Lord. The day is not over yet. I know I will continue to learn and be blessed by our Lord as I go to attend the bible study tonight for the young working adult group by our church.

Hallelujah! All Glory to God!  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for loving us. Lord, we love You.

Email reply from KH:

I praise GOD for HIS GREAT WORK in H*(workplace).
To GOD be All Glory forever and ever.
In Jesus name, Amen.

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