Father, We Adore You

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Father, We Adore You


We adore You
For You are
So Worthy

You are the
Love that could
Never be found
To be greater

You are the
Beauty that could
Never be seen
More captivating

You are the
Power that could
Never be contended
By any other

You are the
Light that could
Never be covered
In darkness

You are the
Thirst that could
Never be quenched
Without Your Spring

You are the
Hunger that could
Never be satisfied
Except by You

You are the
Way that could
Never be replaced
By another

You are the
Life that could
Never be obtained
Without Faith

You are the
Wisdom that could
Never compare
To any other

You are the
Truth that could
Never be denied
To prevail

You are the
Glory that could
Never exist
In another

We adore You
For You are
So Worthy

You are God
Our King
And Our Life

We love You
And serve You
For the rest
Of our lives

Email reply from KH:

Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Halleluiah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Halleluiah forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[07:13, 14/09/2016] S: AMEN yes Jesus, Jesus sweetest name we know TQ for ur love 💝💞

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