Prayer March week 2 day 1

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Prayer March week 2 day 1

[06:01, 25/07/2016]

Prayer March Week 2

Almighty God, Your blessed son Jesus Christ went about healing all kinds of sickness. Please continue His work among us, especially in this place. Cheer, heal and support the sick. Grant to staff, wisdom, skill, empathy and patience. Send Your blessings and guidance on all who work to relieve suffering, that they may reveal Your love in this place, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

[07:37, 25/07/2016]

Thank you, Jesus. Prayer March Week 2 day 1 is done. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit and covering us with your blood. Yes, we must repent. We cry out to you for everyone to repent and turn to you as Lord and Saviour. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. All glory to God.

[07:37, 25/07/2016]

I thanked our brother in Christ, K*, for joining me in the prayer March.

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