Learning From God

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Learning From God


Today, we had a great time of learning from Our Lord Jesus during Christian Fellowship (CF) at our workplace.

After completing the teaching for the last CF, the Lord had not given me any specific topic, or book, or passage, or verse to teach on for this week. So, I did not know exactly what to prepare for the teaching. What I was required to do was to ask the group on the day of CF what were their concerns or issues, and teach on what would help to address their particular concerns at that time. I carried on with learning God's Word for my own life during this week, and waited for the Lord to provide His Word to address His children on the day of CF.

I thank Our Lord God for His Providence. He prepared me just in time for the teaching of the Word.

We started the CF with prayer for one another, followed by sharing of thanksgiving to our Lord, and then sharing of their concerns in life. After they had conveyed their concerns in life, we had Praise and Worship to Our Lord, followed by the teaching of His Word.

From the sharing of their concerns, I felt strongly that the Lord wanted to teach us on how to overcome worry. In fact, I had already received the indication yesterday from the Lord that this would most likely be what the teaching would be about today but I still had to ask them to voice out their concerns first. Indeed, after the sharing of their concerns, I felt more strongly that this message had to be brought across and would be appropriate and beneficial to us.

As I shared God's Word from what He had already taught me, I was also learning from the Lord as I taught them. At the end of the teaching, I thanked the Lord for His Word, and I realised that I was trembling. There was a sister who arrived late and joined midway of the teaching, so I shared to her again from the beginning so that she would get the full teaching. As I taught the second time around, I learned even more from the Lord. He continued to teach me more and gave me more understanding of His Word.

After teaching the second time around, I was still trembling in God's Presence and I quietened myself to be with Our Lord while the others were sharing with each other. This was a precious moment for me, I continued to learn more and more from our Lord and He was imparting His Wisdom to me. God's Word is so powerful. I realised that when we study or teach God's Word, we will see more and more every time we go through it and He will teach us new things and give more understanding each time we learn or teach the same passage repeatedly. I also learnt to see His Word in His Eyes and in His Mind by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Realising this, I encouraged them to go back and go through the same passage again themselves.

Thank You, Lord, for Your Word and Your Guidance. All Glory to God! Hallelujah!

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