Press on! Pray! & Walking in Christ Jesus

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Press on! Pray!


I had severely sprained my left ankle and injured my mid-foot after a fall on returning from Bible study on 12/8/2016, Friday night. There was a loud crack sound and severe pain and I could not move my foot. It was instantly swollen. My left forearm also had bruising, hematoma and abrasions as I fell and hit the sharp corner edge of the wall.

I prayed immediately to my Lord Jesus for help. I placed my right hand over the injured area and prayed. After the prayer, I felt a sudden reduction in swelling and pain. He has helped me to overcome the pain and stand up to walk. Thank You, Lord, for Your Mighty Hand. The swelling did not worsen but the swelling and pain was over an extensive are over the ankle, mid-foot, and lower 3rd of leg. It was very difficult to walk.

I continued praying to our Lord. When I arrived home, I sent messages out for prayer. Thank you for all your prayers.

One of our sister who was staying nearby my home, wanted to come and bring aid to me. I asked her not to but she cared a lot about me and really wanted to offer help. Immediately, I prayed a prayer of protection for her and her family.

While she was preparing to come to see me, she had a fall while coming down the stairs. She was at the last step of the staircase while carrying her 1 year old child when she missed the step and fell. Thankfully, the Lord had protected them. The baby was fine, and she sustained a slight sprain over her left ankle. Thank you, Lord, for Your Protection upon them.

When the family returned home, I continued to pray for their protection, and they have returned home safely. Hallelujah!

After icing the swelling, I went to sleep. I did not take any medication or apply anything over the injured area. I slept soundly without any discomfort. Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah!

The next day, Saturday, I had a meeting to attend. It was hardly possible to walk on full weight bearing. But the Lord sustained me and I made it there by walking and by train. I walked in the Strength of the Lord.

On Sunday morning, it was still painful on walking. I prayed for healing. The pain reduced and I attended church service. During service, I learned from the Lord during worship, to lean on Him fully, and press on in prayer. Press on! Pray! We already have the victory in Jesus! Hallelujah!

This morning, I walk by faith in the Strength of the Lord and I am able to complete the prayer march around our workplace on time for our daily prayer meet. Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah!

Daily Prayer March Week 5 Day 1

Our Father in Heaven, You are Holy, Holy, Holy. We praise You and Worship You for who You are. Help us, Lord, in this place. Let Your Holy Spirit be with us and in us to carry out Your Will and Plan and Purpose. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Yes, we Press On in Prayer!

Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts. Zechariah 4:6


[08:01, 15/08/2016] CLC: Marilyn, ur leg ok 2 walk 4 d prayer march?

[08:13, 15/08/2016] LPS: Amen

[08:15, 15/08/2016] YSL: 👍 amen! Glad you're better now

[08:18, 15/08/2016] CT: Amen

[08:31, 15/08/2016] Marilyn: Thanks for all the prayers. I thank the Lord for the speedy recovery. Still not completely healed. But it was miraculously quick to recover. Praise the Lord!

[08:32, 15/08/2016] LPS: Praise the Lord for His faithfulness

[09:10, 15/08/2016] CLC: PTL!

[21:49, 06/09/2016] YSL: You know what? I'm expecting baby 3 in April 2017.. when I almost tripped and fell that day, I was already pregnant but didn't know. I'm about 8 weeks now...
Thank you for praying for protection for me, and thank God for sending His angels so that my foot did not trip against the stone too badly..Or stairs, in this matter


Walking in Christ Jesus

I received a phone call from our anointed brother in Christ in the afternoon. He said that he sees a Pillar, and the Pillar is shining more and more brightly, a Shining Pillar. I am standing in the Shining Pillar. The Shining Pillar is our Lord Jesus. I am standing in Jesus. Every step I take is in Jesus. Wherever I walk, I walk in Jesus. Jesus is walking and I am in HIM. Wherever He goes, I go. I am in HIM.

Thank You, Jesus. All Glory to God. Hallelujah!

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