Let all things be done for the Glory of God

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Let all things be done for the Glory of God


Daily Prayer March Week 4 is completed.

Well done, everyone. Please continue to pray for our workplace and Christian Fellowship.

Daily Prayer Meet Week 1 is completed.

Thank you for coming for the daily morning prayer and sharing. A much needed time of reflection and learning from our Lord.

Things that I learned from the Lord this morning:

Praise and worship to God is important. As I was praying during the prayer march, the prayer became praise and worship to our Lord. The prayer became a song. A new song to our Lord.

The Lord loves everyone and is full of Grace to forgive and save everyone. I felt the Love of the Lord for every person and he wants all to turn to Him as their Lord and Saviour.

After the daily morning prayer meet, I returned to my office to intercede on my knees, bowing face down on the floor. As I was bowing down to our Lord, I learned from the Lord: All things done must be glorifying to God. Let all things be done for the Glory of the Lord.

Our Father in Heaven, Thank you, Lord for Your Word of Guidance today. We will obey You wholeheartedly. Help us to fully submit and surrender all to You. In Jesus name. Amen.

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